The Guidelines for Life Cycle Cost Analysis (October 2005)

Stanford University has a long history of designing and constructing quality building projects. In continuing this tradition, Stanford seeks to ensure that new and renovated buildings meet student, staff, and faculty needs as effectively and efficiently as possible.To this end, Stanford's Department of Land, Buildings and Real Estate has developed a thorough Project Delivery Process (PDP) that addresses all aspects of planning, budgeting, design and construction.

Cost effectiveness is a key component of design at Stanford, and initial project costs are the focus of many activites in the PDP. The long term cost implications of building projects, however, range far beyond initial design and construction expenses.

To improve the cost-effectiveness of its building and renovation programs, Stanford must invest in designs and systems with improved long term performance. The Guidelines for Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) instruct Project Teams to consider not only the "first costs" of a building but also long term costs, including utilities, operations, and maintenance.

The Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) (pdf) is available for download.