Health Research and Policy

he Health Research and Policy (HRP) department provides the analytical foundation for research conducted at the Stanford School of Medicine, offering expertise, research, and training on collecting and interpreting the scientific evidence essential to improving human health.

Located within walking distance of Stanford's world-class medical school, hospitals and Science and Engineering school, HRP is physically and intellectually at the epicenter of most exciting analytical challenges that medicine will face in the coming decade.

The 300 million-plus people in the U.S. will need more effective, safe and affordable health care in order for the country to thrive in the years to come. Individuals may each carry with them all the information they need to lead healthy, productive lives — their genetic code, their medical records, their behaviors as tracked by electronic devices — yet today this data is largely inaccessible or unusable. It requires a special breed of analytical, multidimensional thinker — out-of-the-box problem-solvers who can extract, bring meaning to, and motivate people to act on this medical information.