Department Signatures

Department branding is an important part of building the Stanford Medicine identity. Each unit is provided the following specifications to build a department signature aligned with the master logo:


Vertical logo

Horizontal logo

Do's and Don'ts


  • Use the department signature as a unit logo
  • Keep the department signature as simple as possible
  • Spell out the full name of the unit


  • Don’t show too many levels of hierarchy because it will be more difficult to recognize your unit
  • Don’t use a tagline in your unit signature because it is not a part of your unit name
  • Don’t use acronyms in your unit signature because many people won't know what they mean (even if you're confident your current audience will)
  • Don’t change fonts, font sizes, or colors because we the unit signature pattern should stay consistent
  • Don’t move elements around or change alignment because we have already designed horizontal and vertical versions to fit different layouts
  • Don’t use other logos with a department signature because it dillutes your unit's brand and can confuse users

Questions regarding Stanford Medicine branding should be directed to the Dean’s Office.  For questions about the Stanford University logo, please contact the Office of Business Affairs.