Travel Policies

Attending Conferences:

Students and Postdocs should aim to attend at least one conference or scientific meeting/workshop per year. To secure your attendance at a conference you will need to fulfill at least one of the following:

1) Your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation.

2) Your abstract is accepted for a poster presentation and you receive a travel stipend to offset the cost of attending the conference.

3) You submit a manuscript on the same topic as your abstract prior to the early registration deadline for the conference.

Booking Travel:

You may book your travel on your own and then submit your receipts for reimbursement or you may contact the administrative assistant for our group to book the travel for you.

Stanford Travel and Reimbursement Policies

Please note, particular, the "Fly America Act"


To avoid delay in payment, use one of the reimbursement receipt envelopes created by Jessie Leong (RSL Manager) and submit receipts within a month of returning from the conference.