Recent Publications

List of selected high-profile publications from MCP Faculty.
For a complete list of publications by any individual faculty member, please see Faculty Lab Websites or Stanford CAP Profiles.

Axel Brunger

Zhou Q, Lai Y, Bacaj T, Zhao M, Lyubimov A, et al (2015).  Architecture of the synaptotagmin-SNARE machinery for neuronal exocytosis. Nature. 1476-4687.

Merrit Maduke

Abraham SJ, Cheng RC, Chew TA, Khantwal CM, Liu CW, et al (2015). (13)C NMR detects conformational change in the 100-kD membrane transporter ClC-ec1. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 61:209-26.

Chris Garcia

Burg JS, Ingram JR, Venkatakrishnan AJ, Jude KM, Dukkipati A, et al (2015). Structural basis for chemokine recognition and activation of a viral G protein-coupled receptor. Science. 347:1113-7.

Chris Garcia

Luca VC, Jude KM, Pierce NW, Nachury MV, Fischer S, et al (2015). Structural basis for Notch 1 engagement of Delta-like 4. Science. 347:847-53.

Axel Brunger

Zhao M, Wu S, Zhou Q, Vivona S, Cipriano J, et al (2015). Mechanistic insights into the recycling machine of the SNARE complex. Nature518:61–67.

Miriam Goodman

Krieg M , Dunn A, Goodman MB, (2014). Mechanical control of the sense of touch by b spectrin. Nat Cell Biol. 16:224–233.

Tom Sudhof

Rothwell PE, Fuccillo MC, Maxeiner S, Hayton SJ, Gokce O, et al (2014). Autism associated neuroligin-3 mutations commonly impair striatal circuits to boost repetitive behaviors. Cell. 158:198-212.

Tom Sudhof

Tsetsenis T, Boucard AA, Arac D, Brunger AT, Sudhof TC (2014). Direct visualization of trans-synaptic neurexin-neuroligin interactions during synapse formation. J Neurosci. 34:15083-96.

Steve Chu

Yan K, Lee HW, Gao T, Zheng G, Yao H, et al (2014). Ultrathin two-dimensional atomic crystals as stable interfacial layer for improvement of lithium metal anode. Nano Lett. 14:6016-22.

Tom Sudhof

Xu W, Sudhof TC (2013). A neural circuit for memory specificity and generalization. Science. 339:1290-5.

James Nelson

Benham-Pyle BW, Pruitt, BL, Nelson WJ (2015). Mechanical strain induces E-cadherin-dependent Yap1 and catenin activation to drive cell cycle entry. Science. 348:1024-1027.

Steve Chu

Liang Z, Zheng G, Liu C, Liu N, Li W, et al (2015). Polymer nanofiber-guided uniform lithium deposition for battery electrodes. Nano Lett.

Brian Kobilka

Manglik A, Kim T, Masureel M, Altenbach C, Yang Z, et al (2015). Structural insights into the dynamic process of β2-adrenergic receptor signaling. Cell. 161:1101-1111.

William Weis

Buckley CD, Tan J, Anderson KL, Hanein D, Volkmann N, et al (2014). Cell adhesion. The minimla cadherin-catenin complex binds to actin filaments under force. Science. 346:1254211.

Axel Brunger

Lai Y, Diao J, Cipriano DJ, Zhang Y, Pfuetzner RA, et al (2014). Complexin inhibits spontaneous release and synchronizes Ca2+- triggered synaptic vesicle fusion by distinct mechanisms. Elife. 3:e03756.

James Nelson

Toret CP, D;Ambrosio MV, Vale RD, Simon MA, Nelson WJ (2014). A genome-wide screen identifies conserved protein hubs requires for cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion. J Cell Biol. 204:265-279.

Liang Feng

Xu Y, Tao Y, Cheung LS, Fan C, Chen LQ, et al (2014). Structures of bacterial homologues of SWEET transporters in two distinct conformations. Nature. 515:448-52.

Lucy O'Brien

O'Brien LE, Bilder D, (2013). Beyond the niche: tissue-level coordination of stem cell dynamics. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol29:107–136.

Lucy O'Brien

O'Brien LE, Soliman SS, Li X, Bilder D, (2011). Altered modes of stem cell division drive adaptive intestinal growth. Cell. 147:603–614.