Mentor Responsibilities

Mentor responsibilities (from preparation of proposal through acceptance of a MedScholars fellowship by the student) are:

  1. Read, comment on, and approve the proposal as submitted, using the MedScholars Online system.

  2. Write and upload a letter of support as outlined below:

    Support for the scientific merit of the project.

    Ability and willingness to provide space, supplies/equipment, and guidance necessary to complete the project.

    Acceptance of responsibility for supervision.

    Acknowledgement of the time/effort expectations that the student/mentor have discussed


    25% MedScholars is equivalent to 4-5 units and a minimum of 10 hours per week

    50% MedScholars is equivalent to 9 units and a minimum of 20 hours per week

    75% MedScholars is equivalent to 13-14 units and a minimum of 30 hours per week

    100% MedScholars is equivalent to 18 units and a minimum of 40 hours per week.

  1. Make available the space, equipment, and supplies necessary for completion of the project within the projected time.

  2. Ascertain that human subjects, animal care, biohazard, recombinant DNA, radioactive isotopes, and other needed assurances are applied for and received BEFORE the student undertakes the project. Compliances must be received within two weeks of start of the research quarter. In cases where all compliance approvals are not in place by the second week of the quarter in which the project is to begin, the project will become ineligible for MedScholars funding. In this case, at the request of the student and with approval of the MedScholars program, projects can typically be deferred until the following quarter.

  3. Supervise the student's work, including the final written report, and attend the student's oral or poster presentation (e.g. Annual Stanford Medical Student Research Symposium). In cases where the primary mentor is not able to supervise the written or oral report (e.g. Traveling Scholars), the co-mentor will assume this responsibility.

  4. Advise the MedScholars Program Administrator promptly should significant problems be encountered or should the student need to change the nature, scope, or direction of his/her proposal, or the faculty mentor.

  5. Provide timely progress reports if requested (e.g. mid-quarter check-ins).

  6. Write a short summary letter upon completion of the student's project, commenting on the student’s performance, and his/her outlook as a future physician.

The primary mentor must be a member of the Stanford faculty. In the case of a Traveling MedScholar or community-based research, there must be a co-mentor. This co-mentor must write a letter (or co-sign the primary mentor's letter) in support of the project, approve the final written report, and attend the oral presentation if possible.