Prince Lab Publications

  1. Prince, D.A.  Long duration cyclical changes in excitability of experimental seizure foci.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 17: 453‑454, 1964.

  2. Prince, D.A. and Wiener, L.  Pneumoencephalography in patients with brain tumor.  Neurology 14: 677‑683, 1964.
  3. Prince, D.A.  Long duration periodic changes in excitability of penicillin spike foci:  cyclical spike driving.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 19: 139‑151, 1965.
  4. Prince, D.A.  Cyclical spike driving in chronically isolated cortex.  Epilepsia 6: 226‑242, 1965.
  5. Prince, D.A., deJong, R.H. and Wagman, I.H.  Central actions of local anesthetics.  Evoked responses during lidocaine sedation in the cat and rabbit.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 90: 162‑166, 1965. 
  6. Prince, D.A. and Wilder, B.J.  "Surround" inhibition in cortical epileptogenic foci.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 91: 14‑18, 1966. 
    6a.   Prince, D.A. Modification of focal cortical epileptogenic discharge by afferent influences. Epilepsia 7:181-201, 1966. 
  7. Prince, D.A. and Shanzer, S.  Effect of anesthetics upon the EEG response to reticular stimulation.  Patterns of slow synchrony.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 21: 578‑588, 1966.
  8. Proctor, F., Prince, D.A. and Morrell, F.  Primary and secondary spike foci following depth lesions.  Arch. Neurol. 15: 151‑162, 1966.
  9. * Prince, D.A. and Wilder, B.J.  Control mechanisms in cortical epileptogenic foci:  "Surround" inhibition.  Arch. Neurol. 16: 194‑202, 1967.
  10. deJong, R.H., Wagman, I.H. and Prince, D.A.  Effect of carbon dioxide on the cortical seizure threshold to lidocaine.  Exp. Neurol. 17: 221‑232, 1967.
  11. Wagman, I.H., deJong, R.H. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of lidocaine on the central nervous system.  Anesthesiology 28: 155‑172, 1967.
  12. Wagman, I.H., deJong, R.H. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of lidocaine on spontaneous cortical and subcortical electrical activity:  Production of seizure discharges.  Arch. Neurol. 18: 277‑290, 1968.
  13. Prince, D.A.  Inhibition in "epileptic" neurons.  Exp. Neurol. 21: 307‑321, 1968.
  14. Prince, D.A.  The depolarization shift in "epileptic" neurons.  Exp. Neurol. 21: 467‑485, 1968. 
  15. * Prince, D.A. and Futamachi, K.J.  Intracellular recordings in chronic focal epilepsy.  Brain Res. 11: 681‑684, 1968. 
  16. Prince, D.A. Electrophysiology of "epileptic" neurons:  Spike generation.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 26: 476‑487, 1969. 
  17. Prince, D.A.  Discussion:  Microelectrode studies of penicillin foci.  Acute effects of local agents.  In:  Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, H. Jasper et al. (eds.) Boston:  Little, Brown and Company, pp. 320-328, 1969.
  18. Prince, D.A.  Discussion:  Sites of action of diphenylhydantoin in experimental seizures.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 94: 196‑198, 1969.  
  19. Prince, D.A. and Futamachi, K.J.  Intracellular recordings from chronic epileptogenic foci in the monkey.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 29: 496‑510, 1970. 
  20. Prince, D.A. Cortical cellular activities during cyclically occurring interictal epileptiform discharges.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 29: 496‑510, 1970.
  21. Prince, D.A. and Gutnick, M.J.  Neuronal activities in epileptogenic foci of immature cortex.  Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 96: 88‑91, 1971.  Presented Amer. Neurol. Assoc. Meeting, 1971. 
  22. Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Penicillinase and the convulsant action of penicillin.  Neurology 21: 759‑764, 1971. 
  23. Prince, D.A., Lux, H.D. and Neher, E.  Potassium activity in cat cortex measured with ion‑sensitive microelectrodes.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 97: 24‑28, 1972. 
  24. Prince, D.A.  Topical convulsant drugs and metabolic antagonists.  In:  Experimental Models of Epilepsy, Purpura, D.P., Penry, J.K., Tower, D., Woodbury, D.M., Walter, R. (Eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 51‑83, 1972.
  25. Prince, D.A.  Discussion:  Diphenylhydantoin increases spinal presynaptic inhibition.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 97: 95‑96, 1972. 
  26. * Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Thalamocortical relay neurons:  antidromic invasion of spikes from a cortical epileptogenic focus.  Science 176: 424‑426, 1972. 
  27. Prince, D.A. and Gutnick, M.J.  Neuronal activities in epileptogenic foci of immature cortex.  Brain Res. 45: 455‑468, 1972. 
  28. Lux, H.D., Neher, E. and Prince, D.A.  K+‑activity determinations in cat cortex.  Pfluegers. Arch. 332: (Suppl.) R89, 1972.
  29. * Prince, D.A., Lux, H.D. and Neher, E.  Measurement of extracellular potassium activity in cat cortex.  Brain Res. 50: 489‑495, 1973.
  30. van Duijn, H., Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Action of penicillin on inhibitory processes in the cat's cortex.  Brain Res. 52: 470‑476, 1973.
  31. Meyer, H. and Prince, D.A.  Convulsant actions of penicillin:  Effects on inhibitory mechanisms.  Brain Res. 53: 477‑482, 1973.


  32. Moody, Jr., W.J., Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Extracellular potassium activity during epileptogenesis.  Exp. Neurol. 42: 248‑ 263, 1974.
  33. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal correlates of epileptiform discharges and cortical DC potentials.  In:  Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 2. O. Creutzfeldt (ed.) Amsterdam:  Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 2C‑56‑2C‑70, 1974.
  34. Schwartzkroin, P.A., van Duijn, H. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of projected cortical epileptiform discharges on field potentials in the cat cuneate nucleus.  Exp. Neurol. 43: 88‑105, 1974.
  35. Schwartzkroin, P.A., van Duijn, H. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of projected cortical epileptiform discharges on unit activity in the cat cuneate nucleus.  Exp. Neurol. 43: 106‑123, 1974.
  36. Futamachi, K.J., Mutani, R. and Prince, D.A.  Potassium activity in rabbit cortex.  Brain Res. 75: 5‑25, 1974.
  37. Mutani, R., Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Potassium activity in immature cortex.  Brain Res. 75: 27‑39, 1974.
  38. Pedley, T.A., Fisher, R.S., Moody, Jr., W.J., Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Extracellular potassium activity during epileptogenesis:  A comparison between neocortex and hippocampus.  Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 99: 41‑45, 1974.
  39. Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of projected cortical epileptiform discharges on neuronal activities in cat VPL.  I.  Interictal discharge.  J. Neurophysiol. 37: 1310‑1327, 1974.
  40. Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of projected cortical epileptiform discharges on neuronal activities in ventrobasal thalamus of the cat:  Ictal discharge.  Exp. Neurol. 46: 418‑431, 1975.
  41. Schwartzkroin, P.A., Prince, D.A., Moody, Jr., W.J. and Mutani, R.  Antidromic activation of VL relay cells during focal cortical epileptogenesis.  Epilepsia 15: 273‑274, 1974.
  42. Schwartzkroin, P.A., Mutani, R. and Prince, D.A.  Orthodromic and antidromic effects of a cortical epileptiform focus on ventrolateral nucleus of the cat.  J. Neurophysiol. 38: 795‑811, 1975.
  43. Schwartzkroin, P.A., Futamachi, K.J., Noebels, J.L. and Prince, D.A.  Transcallosal effects of a cortical epileptiform focus.  Brain Res. 99: 59‑68, 1975.
  44. Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Effect of penicillin on an excitatory synapse.  Brain Res. 100: 589‑597, 1975.
  45. Fisher, R.S., Pedley, T.A. and Prince, D.A.  Kinetics of potassium movement in normal cortex.  Brain Res. 101: 223‑237, 1976.
  46. Fisher, R.S., Pedley, T.A., Moody, Jr., W.J. and Prince, D.A.  The role of extracellular potassium in hippocampal epilepsy.  Arch. Neurol. 33: 76‑83, 1976.
  47. Pedley, T.A., Fisher, R.S. and Prince, D.A.  Focal gliosis and potassium movement in mammalian cortex.  Exp. Neurol. 50: 346‑361, 1976.
  48. Prince, D.A.  Cellular activities in focal epilepsy.  In:  Brain Dysfunction in Infantile Febrile Convulsions.  New York:  Raven Press, pp. 187‑212, 1976.
  49. Pedley, T.A., Fisher, R.S., Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Regulation of extracellular potassium concentration in epileptogenesis.  Fed. Proc. 35: 1254‑1259, 1976.
  50. * Fisher, R.S. and Prince, D.A.  Spike‑wave rhythms in cat cortex induced by parenteral penicillin.  I.  Electroencephalographic features.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 42: 608‑624, 1977.
  51. * Fisher, R.S. and Prince, D.A.  Spike‑wave rhythms in cat cortex induced by parenteral penicillin.  II.  Cellular features.  Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 42: 625‑639, 1977.
  52. Fisher, R.S. and Prince, D.A.  Cortical unit activity during generalized seizures induced by penicillin.  Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assn. 101: 187‑191, 1976.
  53. * Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Microphysiology of human cerebral cortex studied in vitroBrain Res. 115: 497‑500, 1976.
  54. * Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Penicillin‑induced epileptiform activity in the hippocampal in vitro preparation.  Ann. Neurol. 1: 463‑469, 1977.
  55. Noebels, J.L. and Prince, D.A.  Presynaptic origin of penicillin afterdischarges at mammalian nerve terminals.  Brain Res. 138: 59‑74, 1977.
  56. Courtney, K.R. and Prince, D.A.  Epileptogenesis in neocortical slices.  Brain Res.  127:191‑196, 1977.
  57. Prince, D.A.  Neurophysiology of epilepsy.  Annual Rev. Neurosci. 1: 395‑415, 1978.
  58. Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Cellular and field potential properties of epileptogenic hippocampal slices.  Brain Res. 147: 117‑130, 1978.
  59. * Noebels, J.L. and Prince, D.A.  The development of focal seizures in cerebral cortex:  Role of axon terminal bursting.  J. Neurophysiol. 41: 1267‑1281, 1978.
  60. Noebels, J.L. and Prince, D.A.  Excitability changes in thalamocortical relay neurons during synchronous discharges in cat neocortex.  J. Neurophysiol. 41: 1282‑1296, 1978.
  61. Prince, D.A. and Schwartzkroin, P.A.  Nonsynaptic mechanisms in epileptogenesis.  In:  Abnormal Neuronal Discharges.  N.  Chalazonitis, M. Boisson (eds.)  New York:  Raven Press, pp. 1‑12, 1978.
  62. Prince, D.A., Pedley, T.A. and Ransom, B.R.  Fluctuations in ion concentrations during excitation and seizures.  In:  Dynamic Properties of Glia Cells.  G. Franck, L. Hertz, E. Schoffeniels, D.B. Tower (eds.) Pergamon Press, pp. 281‑303, 1978.
  63. Wong, R.K.S. and Prince, D.A.  Participation of calcium spikes during intrinsic burst firing in hippocampal neurons.  Brain Res. 159: 385‑390, 1978.
  64. * Wong, R.K.S., Prince, D.A. and Basbaum, A.I.  Intradendritic recordings from hippocampal neurons.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76: 986‑990, 1979.
  65. Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Recordings from presumed glial cells in the hippocampal slice.  Brain Res. 161: 533‑538, 1979.
  66. Hotson, J., Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A. Anomalous inward rectification in hippocampal neurons.  J. Neurophysiol. 42: 889‑895, 1979.
  67. * Wong, R.K.S. and Prince, D.A.  Dendritic mechanisms underlying penicillin‑induced epileptiform activity.  Science 204: 1228‑1231, 1979.
  68. Hotson, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Penicillin‑ and barium‑induced epileptiform bursting in hippocampal neurons: actions on calcium‑and potassium‑dependent potentials.  Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assn. 103: 56‑58, 1978.
  69. Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Changes in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials leading to epileptogenic activity.  Brain Res. 183: 61-73, 1980.       
  70. Brown, T.H., Wong, R.K.S. and Prince, D.A.  Spontaneous miniature synaptic potentials in hippocampal neurons.  Brain Res. 177: 194‑199, 1979.
  71. Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of TEA on hippocampal neurons.  Brain Res. 185: 169‑181, 1980.
  72. Hotson, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  A calcium‑activated hyperpolarization follows repetitive firing in hippocampal neurons.  J. Neurophysiol. 43: 409‑419, 1980.
  73. Benninger, C., Kadis, J. and Prince, D.A.  Extracellular calcium and potassium changes in hippocampal slices.  Brain Res. 187: 165‑182, 1980.
  74. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal events underlying epileptogenesis.  In:  Topics in Neurology, Vol. 2.  G. Wise, M.E. Blaw, P.G. Procopis (eds.)  New York:  Spectrum Publications, pp. 35‑53, 1982.
  75. * Prince, D.A. and Wong, R.K.S.  Human epileptic neurons studied in vitroBrain Res. 210: 323‑333, 1981.
  76. Wong, R.K.S. and Prince, D.A.  Afterpotential generation in hippocampal  pyramidal cells.  J. Neurophysiol. 45: 86‑97, 1981.
  77. * Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Dye‑coupling and possible electrotonic coupling in the guinea pig neocortical slice.  Science 211: 67‑70, 1981.
  78. * Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Acetylcholine induced modulation of hippocampal pyramidal neurons.  Brain Res. 211: 227‑234, 1981.
  79. Hotson, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Penicillin‑ and barium‑induced epileptiform bursting in hippocampal neurons:  Actions on Ca++ and K+ potentials.  Ann. Neurol. 10: 11‑17, 1981.
  80. Prince, D.A.  Epileptogenesis in hippocampal and neocortical neurons.  In:  Physiology and Pharmacology of Epileptogenic Phenomena.  M.R. Klee, H.D. Lux, E.J. Speckmann (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 151‑162, 1982.
  81. Prince, D.A., Benninger, C. and Kadis, J.  Evoked ionic alterations in brain slices.  In:  Ion‑Selective Microelectrodes and Their Use in Excitable Tissues.  E. Sykova, P. Hnik, L. Vyklicky (eds.) New York:  Plenum Press, pp. 247‑259, 1981.
  82. Prince, D.A., Connors, B.W. and Benardo, L.S.  Mechanisms underlying interictal‑ictal transitions.  In:  Advances in Neurology, Vol. 34:  Status Epilepticus.  A.V. Delgado‑Escueta, C. Wasterlain, D.M. Treiman. R.J. Porter (eds.), New York:  Raven Press, pp. 179‑189, 1982.
  83. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Dopamine action on hippocampal pyramidal cells.  J. Neurosci. 2: 415‑423, 1982.
  84. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Dopamine modulates a calcium‑activated potassium conductance in mammalian hippocampal pyramidal cells.  Nature 297: 76‑79, 1982.
  85. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Long term modulation of intrinsic membrane properties of hippocampal neurons.  In:  Conditioning:  Representation of Involved Neural Function.  C. Woody (ed.), New York:  Plenum Press, pp. 13‑35, 1982.
  86. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Cholinergic excitation of mammalian hippocampal pyramidal cells.  Brain Res. 249: 315‑331, 1982.
  87. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Ionic mechanisms of cholinergic excitation in mammalian hippocampal pyramidal cells.  Brain Res. 249: 333‑344, 1982.
  88. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Cholinergic pharmacology of mammalian hippocampal pyramidal cells.  Neuroscience 7: 1703‑1712, 1982.
  89. Connors, B.W. and Prince, D.A.  Effects of local anesthetic QX‑314 on the membrane properties of hippocampal pyramidal neurons.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 220: 476‑481, 1982.
  90. Connors, B.W., Gutnick, M.J. and Prince, D.A.  Electrophysiological properties of neocortical neurons in vitroJ. Neurophysiol. 48: 1302‑1320, 1982.
  91. Gutnick, M.J., Connors, B.W. and Prince, D.A.  Mechanisms of neocortical epileptogenesis in vitro.  J. Neurophysiol. 48: 1321‑1335, 1982.
  92. Masukawa, L.M. and Prince, D.A.  Enkephalin inhibition of inhibitory input to CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus.  Brain Res. 249: 271‑280, 1982. 
  93. * Benardo, L.S., Masukawa, L.M. and Prince, D.A.  Electrophysiology of isolated hippocampal pyramidal dendrites.  J. Neurosci. 2: 1614‑1622, 1982.


  94. Masukawa, L.M., Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Variations in electrophysiological properties of hippocampal pyramidal neurons in different subfields.  Brain Res. 242: 341‑344, 1982.
  95. Prince, D.A.  Mechanisms of epileptogenesis in brain slice model systems.  In:  Epilepsy  (Proceedings of the ARNMD Meeting).  A. Ward, J.K. Penry and D. Purpura (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp.  29‑52, 1983.
  96. Prince, D.A.  Ionic mechanisms in cortical and hippocampal epileptogenesis.  In:  Basic Mechanisms of Neuronal Hyperexcitability.  H.H. Jasper, N.M. van Gelder (eds.) New York:  Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 217‑243, 1983.
  97. * Connors, B.W., Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Coupling between neurons of the developing rat neocortex.  J. Neurosci. 3: 773‑782, 1983.
  98. Fricke, R.A. and Prince, D.A.  Electrophysiology of dentate gyrus granule cells.  J. Neurophysiol. 51: 195‑209, 1984.
  99. Kriegstein, A.R., Suppes, T. and Prince, D.A.  Cholinergic enhancement of penicillin‑induced epileptiform discharges in pyramidal neurons of the guinea pig hippocampus.  Brain Res. 266: 137‑142, 1983.
  100. Connors, B.W., Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Carbon dioxide sensitivity of dye‑coupling among glia and neurons of the neocortex.  J. Neurosci. 4: 1324‑1330, 1984.
  101. * Masukawa, L.M. and Prince, D.A.  Synaptic control of excitability in isolated dendrites of hippocampal neurons.  J. Neurosci. 4: 217‑227, 1984.
  102. Prince, D.A. and Connors, B.W.  Mechanisms of epileptogenesis in cortical structures. Ann. Neurol. 16(suppl): S59‑S64, 1984.
  103. Suppes, T., Kriegstein, A.R. and Prince, D.A.  The influence of dopamine on epileptiform burst activity in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.  Brain Res. 326: 273‑280, 1985.
  104. Prince, D.A. and Connors, B.W.  Mechanisms of interictal epileptogenesis.  In:  Advances in Neurology, Vol. 44, A.V. Delgado‑Escueta, D.M. Woodbury, R.J. Porter (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 275‑299, 1986.
  105. * McCormick, D.A., Connors, B.W., Lighthall, J.W. and Prince, D.A.  Comparative electrophysiology of pyramidal and sparsely spiny neurons of the neocortex.  J. Neurophysiol. 54: 782‑806, 1985.
  106. Prince, D.A.  Physiological mechanisms of focal epileptogenesis.  Epilepsia 26(suppl.) S3‑S14, 1985.
  107. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Mechanisms of action of acetylcholine in the guinea pig cerebral cortex, in vitroJ. Physiol. 375: 169‑194, 1986.
  108. Thompson, S.M., Masukawa, L.M. and Prince, D.A.  Temperature dependence of intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic potentials in hippocampal neurons in vitroJ. Neurosci.  5: 817‑824, 1985.
  109. * McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Two types of muscarinic response to acetylcholine in mammalian cortical neurons.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 6344‑6348, 1985.
  110. * McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Acetylcholine induces burst firing in thalamic reticular neurons by activating a potassium conductance.  Nature 319: 402‑405, 1986.
  111. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Pirenzepine discriminates among ionic responses to acetylcholine in guinea‑pig cerebral cortex and reticular nucleus of thalamus.  Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (Suppl.), pp. 72‑77, February 1986.
  112. Electrophysiological studies of immature neocortical neurons.  In:  Problems and Concepts in Developmental Neurophysiology, P. Kellaway , J.L. Noebels (eds.) Baltimore:  The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 198-211, 1989.
  113. Thompson, S.M. and Prince, D.A.  Activation of the electrogenic sodium pump in hippocampal CA1 neurons.  J. Neurophysiol. 56: 507‑522, 1986.
  114. Prince, D.A., Deisz, R.A.  Ca‑mediated events during epileptogenesis.  In:  Epilepsy and Calcium.  E.J. Speckmann, H. Schulze, J. Walden (eds.) Munich:  Urban and Schwarzenberg, pp. 165‑183, 1986.
  115. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal events underlying focal epileptiform potentials.  In:  The Epileptic Focus.  H.G. Weiser, E.J. Speckmann, J. Engel, Jr. (eds.) pp. 17-26, 1987.
  116. Prince, D.A., McCormick, D.A. and Thompson, S.M.  Inhibitory control of cortical and thalamic neuronal activities.  In:  Inactivation of Hypersensitive Neurons.  N. Chalazonitis, M. Gola (eds.)  New York:  Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 1-8, 1986.
  117. Prince, D.A., McCormick, D.A. and Thompson, S.M.  Inhibitory control of cortical and thalamic neuronal activities.  In:  Inactivation of Hypersensitive Neurons.  N. Chalazonitis, M. Gola (eds.)  New York:  Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 1-8, 1986.
  118. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Postsynaptic actions of acetylcholine in the mammalian brain in vitro.  In:  Neurotransmitters and Cortical Function  M. Avoli, T.A. Reader, R.W. Dykes, P. Gloor (eds.)  New York:  Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 287-302, 1988.
  119. Deisz, R.A. and Prince, D.A.  Effect of D890 on membrane properties of neocortical neurons.  Brain Research 422: 63-73, 1987.
  120. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Acetylcholine causes rapid nicotinic excitation in the medial habenula in vitroJ. Neurosci. 7: 742-752, 1987.
  121. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Actions of acetylcholine in the guinea-pig and cat medial and lateral geniculate nuclei, in vitroJ. Physiol. 392: 147-165, 1987.
  122. Kriegstein, A.R., Suppes, T. and Prince, D.A.  Cellular and synaptic physiology and epileptogenesis of developing rat neocortical neurons in vitroDev. Brain Res., 34: 161-171, 1987.
  123. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Post-natal development of electrophysiological properties of rat cerebral cortical pyramidal neurones.  J. Physiol. 393: 743-769, 1987.
  124. Prince, D.A. and Huguenard, J.R.  Functional properties of neocortical neurons.  In:  Neurobiology of Neocortex.  P. Rakic, W. Singer (eds.)  Berlin:  S. Bernhard, Dahlem Conference Reports, pp. 153-176, 1988.
  125. Prince, D.A.  Cellular mechanisms of interictal-ictal transitions.  In:  Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis:  From Membranes to Man.  M. Dichter, (eds.)  Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 57-71, 1988.
  126. Thompson, S.M., Deisz, R.A. and Prince, D.A.  Outward chloride/cation co-transport in mammalian cortical neurons.  Neuroscience Letters.  89: 49-54, l988.     
  127. Thompson, S.M., Deisz, R.A. and Prince, D.A.  Relative contributions of  passive equilibrium and active transport to the distribution of chloride in mammalian cortical neurons.  J. Neurophysiol., 60(1): 105-124, 1988.
  128. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Neurotransmitter modulation of thalamic neuronal firing pattern.  J. Mind and Behavior Supplement on Inhibition in the Brain.  8(4): 573-590, 1987.
  129. Davies, M.F., Deisz, R.A., Prince, D.A. and Peroutka, S.J.  Two distinct  effects of 5-      hydroxytryptamine on single cortical neurons.  Brain Res. 423: 347-352, 1987. 
  130. Wong, B.Y., Coulter, D.A., Choi, D.W. and Prince, D.A. Dextrorphan and        dextromethorphan, common antitussives, are antiepileptic and antagonize NMDA in brain slices.  Neuroscience Letters 85: 261-266, 1988.
  131. Huguenard, J.R., Hamill, O.P. and Prince, D.A. Developmental changes in Na+ conductances in rat neocortical neurons: Appearance of a slowly inactivating component.  J. Neurophysiol. 59: 778-795, 1988.
  132. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Noradrenergic modulation of firing   pattern in guinea pig and cat thalamic neurons, in vitroJ. Neurophysiol. 59: 978-996, 1988.
  133. Prince, D.A. and Feeser, H.R.  Dextromethorphan protects against cerebral infarction in a rat model of hypoxia-ischemia.  Neuroscience Letters 85: 291-296, 1988.
  134. Deisz, R.A. and Prince, D.A.  Frequency-dependent depression of inhibition in the guinea-pig neocortex in vitro by GABAB receptor feed-back on GABA release.  J. Physiol. 412: 513-541, 1989.
  135. Feeser, H.R., Kadis, J. and Prince, D.A.  Dextromethorphan, a common antitussive, reduces kindled amygdala seizures in the rat.  Neuroscience Letters 86: 340-345, 1988.
  136. Huguenard, J.R., Hamill, O.P. and Prince, D.A.  Sodium channels in dendrites of rat    cortical pyramidal neurons.  Proc. Natl. Sci. Acad. 86: 2473-2477, 1989.
  137. Wong, B.Y. and Prince, D.A.  The lateral spread of ictal discharges in neocortical brain slices.  Epilepsy Res., 7:29-39, 1990.
  138. * Coulter, D., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Specific petit mal anticonvulsants reduce calcium currents in thalamic neurons.  Neuroscience Letters 98:74-78, 1989.
  139. * Coulter, D., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Characterization of ethosuximide reduction of low-threshold calcium current in thalamic neurons.  Ann. Neurol. 25: 582-593, 1989.
  140. Coulter, D., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Calcium currents in rat thalamocortical relay neurones:  Kinetic properties of the transient, low-threshold current.  J. Physiol. 414: 587-604,1989.
  141. Chagnac, Y., Luhmann, H. and Prince, D.A.  Burst generating and regular spiking layer 5 pyramidal neurons of rat neocortex have different morphological features. J. Comp. Neurol. 296:598:613, 1990.
  142. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J. and Prince, D.A.  Cellular actions of petit mal anticonvulsants:  implication of thalamic low-threshold calcium current in generation of spike-wave discharge.  In:  Generalized Epilepsy:  Cellular, Molecular and Pharmacological Approaches, M. Avoli, P. Gloor, G. Kostopoulos and R. Naquet (eds.), Birkhauser, Boston 1990, pp.425-435.
  143. Huguenard, J., Coulter, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Physiology of thalamic relay neurons:  Properties of calcium currents involved in burst-firing.  In:  Generalized Epilepsy:  Cellular, Molecular and Pharmacological Approaches, M. Avoli, P. Gloor, G. Kostopoulos and R. Naquet (eds.), pp.425-435.
  144. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A. Transient expression of polysynaptic, NMDA-mediated activity during neocortical development. Neuroscience Letters 111:109-115, 1990.
  145. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A.  Post-natal maturation of the GABAergic system in rat neocortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 65:247-263, 1991
  146. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Differential effects of anticonvulsants and convulsant succinimides on thalamic neurons. I calcium current reduction.  British J. Pharmacol., 100:800-806, 1990.
  147. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.Differential Effects of Petit Mal anticonvulsants and convulsants on thalamic neurones.  II. GABA current blockade.  British J. Pharmacol., 100:807-813, 1990.
  148. Prince, D.A.  Basic mechanisms of focal epileptogenesis.  In: Epileptogenic and Excitotoxic Mechanisms, Eds: R. Fariello, U. Heinemann and R. Mutani.  John Libbey & Co., Ltd., Lond, pp.. 1992, 17-27.
  149. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A. Developmental alterations in NMDA-mediated excitation in rat visual and somatosensory cortex.  In press: Exp. Brain Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20:139-142, 1991.
  150. Huguenard, J.R., Coulter, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Properties of the low-threshold calcium current in thalamic relay neurons:  Recovery from inactivation in relation to the control of repetitive burst generation.  Exp. Brain Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20:39-43, 1991.
  151. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Mechanism of block of thalamic "T"-type Ca 2+ channels by petit mal anticonvulsants.  Exp. Brain. Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20: 201-204, 1991.
  152. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A. Control of NMDA receptor-mediated activity by GABAergic mechanisms in mature and developing rat neocortex, Devel. Brain Res., 54:287-290, 1990.
  153. Prince, D.A., Deisz, R.A., Thompson, S.M. and Chagnac-Amitai, Y. Functional alternations in GABAergic inhibition during activity in G. Avanzini, J. Engel, R. Fariello, & U. Heinemann, Neurotransmitters in Epilepsy.  Vol. 1,  Demos, New York, 31-38,  1990.
  154. Huguenard, J.R., Coulter, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  A fast transient potassium current (IA) in thalamic relay neurons:  Kinetics of activation and inactivation.   J. Neurophysiol., 66:1304-1315, 1991.
  155. Tseng, Guo-Fang, Parada, I. and Prince, D.A.  Double-labelling with rhodamine and biocytin:  A technique for studying corticospinal and other projection neurons in vitroJ. Neurosci. Meth., 37:121-131, 1991.
  156. Hamill, O.P., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Patch clamp studies of voltage-gated currents in identified neurons of the rat cerebral cortex.  Cerebral Cortex, 1:48-61, 1991.
  157. Huguenard, J.R. and Prince D.A.  Slow inactivation of a TEA sensitive K current in acutely-isolated rat thalamocortical relay neurons.  J. Neurophysiol. 66:1316-1328, 1991.
  158. Fukuda, A. and Prince, D.A.  Postnatal development of electrogenic sodium pump activity in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons,  Devel. Brain Res, 65:101-114, 1992.
  159. Fukuda, A. and Prince, D.A.  Excessive intracellular Ca2+ inhibits glutamate-induced Na+-K+ pump activation in rat hippocampal neurons, J. Neurophysiol., 68:28-35, 1992.
  160. * Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  A novel T-type current underlies prolonged Ca2+ - dependent burst firing in GABAergic neurons of rat thalamic reticular nucleus, J. Neurosci., 12:3804-3817, 1992.
  161. Tseng, G-F. and Prince, D.A.  Heterogeneity of rat corticospinal neurons.  J. Comp. Neurol., 335:92-108, 1993.
  162. Milburn, C.M. and Prince, D.A.  Postnatal development of cholinergic presynaptic inhibition in rat hippocampus.  Dev. Brain Res., 74:133-137,1993.
  163. * Prince, D.A. and Tseng, G-F. Epileptogenesis in chronically injured cortex:  in vitro studies.  J. Neurophysiol., 69:1276-1291,1993.
  164. * Prince, D.A. and Stevens, C.F.  Adenosine decreases neurotransmitter release at central synapses.  Proc. Natl. Sci. Acad. 89:8686-8590, 1992.
  165. Chung, J-M, Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Transient enhancement of low-threshold calcium current in thalamic relay neurons following corticectomy.  J. Neurophysiol., 70:20-27, 1993.
  166. Fukuda, A., Mody, I., and Prince, D.A.  Differential ontogenesis of presynaptic and postsynaptic GABAB inhibition in rat somatosensory cortex, J. Neurophysiol., 70:448-451, 1993.
  167. Huguenard, J.R., Gutnick, M.J., and Prince, D.A.  Transient Ca2+ currents in neurons isolated from rat lateral habenula.  J. Neurophysiol., 70:158-165,1993.
  168. Hoffman, S.N., Salin, P.A., and Prince, D.A.  Chronic neocortical epileptogenesis in vitro,  J. Neurophysiol.,  71: 1762-1773,  1994.
  169. Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Intrathalamic rhythmicity studied in vitro: nominal T current modulation causes robust anti-oscillatory effects.  J. Neurosci. 14:5485-5502, 1994.
  170. Huguenard J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Clonazepam suppresses GABAB-mediated inhibition in thalamic relay neurons through effects in nucleus reticularis.  J. Neurophysiol., 71:2576-2582, 1994.
  171. Hoffman, S.N., and Prince, D.A.  Epileptogenesis in immature neocortical slices induced by 4-aminopyridine.  Dev. Brain Res. 85:64-70, 1995.
  172. Cox, C.L., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Cholecystokinin depolarizes rat thalamic reticular neurones by suppressing a K+conductance. J. Neurophysiol., 74:990-999, 1995
  173. Tseng, G.-F, and Prince, D.A.  Structural and functional alterations in rat corticospinal neurons after axotomy. J. Neurophysiol., 75:248-267, 1996.
  174. Salin, P.A. and Prince, D.A. Spontaneous GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory currents in adult rat somatosensory cortex. J. Neurophsyiol., 75:1573-1587, 1996.
  175. Salin, P.A. and Prince, D.A. Electrophysiological mapping of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition in adult somatosensory cortex, J. Neurophysiol, 75:1589-1599, 1996.
  176. * Jacobs, K.M., Gutnick, M.J., and Prince, D.A. Hyperexcitability in a model of cortical maldevelopment, Cerebral Cortex, 6:514-523, 1996.
  177. * Salin, P.A., Tseng, G-F, Hoffman, S.N., Parada, I., and Prince, D.A. Axonal sprouting in layer V pyramidal neurons of chronically injured cerebral cortex. J. Neurosci., 15:8234-8245, 1995.
  178. Cox, C.L., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Heterogeneous axonal arborizations of rat thalamic reticular neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus. J. Comp. Neurol. 366:416-430, 1996.
  179. Kang, J., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Development of BK channels in neocortical pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol., 76:188-198, 1996.
    179a.      Huguenard JR, Chung, JM, Prince DA (1996) Excitability changes in thalamic and neocortical neurons after injury. Epilepsy Res Suppl 12:129-135.
  180. Cox, C.L., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A. Peptidergic modulation of intrathalamic circuit activity in vitro: Actions of cholecystokinin, J. Neurosci., 17:70-82, 1997.
  181. Kang, J., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Two types of BK channels in immature rat neocortical pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol., 76:4194-4197, 1996.
  182. Bennett, B.D., Huguenard, J.R., Prince, D.A. Adrenergic modulation of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition in rat sensorimotor cortex, J. Neurophysiol. 79:937-946, 1998.
  183. Cox, C.L., Huguenard, J.R., Prince, D.A. Nucleus reticularis neurons mediate diverse inhibitory effects in thalamus, PNAS, 94:8854-8859, 1997.
  184. Bennett, B.D., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Adrenoceptor-mediated elevation of ambient GABA levels activates presynaptic GABAB receptors in rat sensorimotor cortex. J. Neurophysiol., 78:561-566, 1997.
  185. Zhang, S.J., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  GABAA receptor-mediated Cl- currents in rat thalamic reticular and relay neurons, J. Neurophysiol., 78:2280-2296, 1997.
  186. Xiang, Z, Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. GABAA receptor-medicated currents in interneurons and pyramidal cells of rat visual cortex, J. Physiol., 506:715-730, 1998
  187. Prince, D.A., Jacobs, K.M., Salin, P.A., Hoffman, S.N., Parada, I.  Chronic Focal Neocortical Epileptogenesis: Does Disinhibition Play a Role?  Can. J. of Physiol. and Pharmacol., 75:500-507, 1997.
  188. Jacobs, K.M., Hwang, B.J., and Prince, D.A.  Focal epileptogenesis in a rat model of polymicrogyria, J. Neurophysiol., 81:159-173, 1999.
  189. Jacobs, K.M., Mogensen, M., Warren, E., and Prince, D.A.  Experimental microgyri disrupt the barrel field pattern in rat somatosensory cortex.  Cerebral Cortex, 9:733-744, 1999.
  190. * Xiang, Z., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince D.A.  Cholinergic switching within neocortical inhibitory networks, Science, 281:985-988, 1998.
  191. Bush, P.C., Prince, D.A. and Miller, K.D. Increased pyramidal excitability and NMDA conductance can explain posttraumatic epileptogenesis without disinhibition: a model, J. Neurophysiol., 82:1748-1758, 1999.
  192. Rosen, G.D., Jacobs, K.M., Prince, D.A.  Effects of neonatal freeze lesions on expression of parvalbumin in rat neocortex, Cerebral Cortex, 8:753-761, 1998.
  193. * Graber, K., and Prince, D.A.  Tetrodotoxin prevents post-traumatic epileptogenesis in rats, Annals of Neurol., 46:234-242, 1999.
  194. Prince, D.A. and Jacobs, K.M.  Inhibitory function in two models of chronic epileptogenesis, Epilepsy Research, 32:83-92, 1998.
  195. Jacobs, K.M., Kharazia V.N., Prince, D.A.  Mechanisms underlying epileptogenesis in cortical malformations.  Epilepsy Res., 36:165-188, 1999.
  196. Kang, J., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Voltage-gated potassium channels activated during action potential in layer V neocortical pyramidal neurons.  J. Neurophysiol., 83:70-80, 2000.
  197. Jacobs, K.M., Graber, K.D., Kharazia, V.N., Parada, I., and Prince, D.A. Postlesional Epilepsy: The Ultimate Brain Plasticity, Epilepsia, 41: Suppl.6: S153-S161, 2000.
  198. Kharazia, V.N. and Prince, D.A.  Changes of AMPA receptors in layer V of epileptogenic, chronically isolated rat neocortex.  Neuroscience, 102:23-34, 2001.
  199. Prince, David A.  Benign Focal Epilepsies of Childhood: Genetically determined pathophysiology - epilepsy that comes and goes.  Epilepsia, 41(8):1085-1087, 2000.
  200. Sun, Q-Q., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Neuropeptide Y receptors differentially modulate GIRK channels and HVA CA2+ channels in rat thalamic neurons.  J. Physiol., 531(1):67-79, 2001.
  201. * Sun, Q-Q., Akk, G., Huguenard, J.R, and Prince, D.A.  Differential regulation of GABA release and neuronal excitability mediated by neuropeptide Y1 and Y2 receptors in rat thalamic neurons are correlated by GABAA subunit expression.  J. Physiol. 531(1):81-94, 2001.
  202. Browne, S., Kang, J., Akk, G., Chiang, L., Schulman, H., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Kinetic and pharmacological properties of GABAA receptors in single thalamic neurons are correlated with GABAA subunit expression.  J. Neurophysiol. 86:2312-2321, 2001
  203. Xiang, Z., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Synaptic inhibition of pyramidal cells evoked by different interneuronal subtypes in layer V of rat visual cortex.  J. Neurophysiol. 88:740-750, 2002.
  204. Li, H., and Prince, D.A.  Synaptic activity in chronically injured, epileptogenic sensory-motor neocortex,  J. Neurophysiol., 88:2-12, 2002.
  205. Sun, Q-Q., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Somatostatin inhibits thalamic network oscillations in vitro: action on the GABAergic neurons of the reticular nucleus. J. Neurosci, 22:5374-5386, 2002.
  206. * Bacci, A., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Functional autaptic neurotransmission in fast-spiking interneurons: a novel form of feedback inhibition in the neocortex, J. Neurosci., 23:859-866,  2003. 
  207. * Bacci, A., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Differential modulation of synaptic transmission by neuropeptide Y in rat neocortical neurons, PNAS, 99:17125-17130, 2003.
  208. Bandrowski, A.E., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Baseline glutamate levels affect group I and II mGluRs in layer V pyramidal neurons of rat sensorimotor cortex, J. Neurophysiol. 89:1308-1316, 2003.
  209. Xiang, Z. and Prince, D.A.  Heterogeneous actions of serotonin on interneurons in rat visual cortex, J. Neurophysiol. , 89:1278-1287, 2003.
  210. Sun, Q-Q., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Vasoactive polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) activate Ih currents and depolarize thalamocortical neurons in vitro, J. Neurosci., 23(7):2751-8. 2003.
  211. Kharazia, V.N., Jacobs, K.M. and Prince, D.A.  GluR1 and calbindin expression are altered in interneurons of neocortical microgyral malformations, Neurosci.,120:207-218, 2003.
  212. * Graber, K.D., and Prince, D.A.  A critical period for prevention of neocortical post-traumatic epileptogenesis in rats,  Annals of Neurology, 55;860-870, 2004.
  213. Bacci, A., Rudolph, W., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Major differences in inhibitory    synaptic transmission onto two neocortical interneuron subclasses. J. Neurosci., 23(29)9664-9674. 2003.
  214. Sun QQ, Baraban S, Prince DA and Huguenard JR (2003) Target-specific NPYergic synaptic inhibition and its network consequences within the mammalian thalamus, J. Neurosci., 23(29)9639-9649, 2003.
  215. Sun, Q-Q, Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Barrel Cortex Microcircuits: Thalamocortical  feedforward inhibition in spiny stellate cells is mediated by a small number of fast-spiking interneurons, J. Neurosci, 26(4)1219-1230, 2006.
  216. * Bacci, A., Huguenard, J.R., and  Prince, D.A.  Long-lasting self-inhibition of    neocortical interneurons mediated  by endocannabinoids, Nature, 431:312-316, 2004.
  217. Jacobs, KM and Prince, D.A. Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents in a rat model  of epileptogenic microgyria , J. Neurophysiol. 93:687-696, 2005.218.
  218. Li, H., Bandrowski A,.E., and Prince, D.A.  Cortical injury affects short-term   plasticity of evoked excitatory synaptic currents, J. Neurophysiol., 93:146-156, 2005.
  219. * Jin, Xiaoming, Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Impaired CL- extrusion in layer V pyramidal neurons of chronically injured epileptogenic cortex, J. Neurophysiol., 93:2117-2126, 2005.
  220. Halabisky, B., Shen, F., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Electrophysiological classification of somatostatin-positive interneurons in mouse sensorimotor cortex,  J. Neurophysiol. 96: 834-­845, 2006.
  221. * Jin, X., Prince, D.A. and Huguenard. J.R.  Enhanced excitatory synaptic connectivity in layer V pyramidal neurons of chronically injured epileptogenic neocortex in rats. J. Neurosci., 26:4891-4900, 2006.
  222. Tani, H., Bandrowski, A.E., Parada, I., Wynn, M., Huguenard, J.R., Prince, D.A. and Reimer, R.J.  Modulation of epileptiform activity by glutamine and system A transport in a model of post-traumatic epilepsy. Neurobiol. Disease, 25 (2):230-238, 2007.
  223. * Sun, Q-Q, Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A.  Reorganizaton of barrel circiuits leads to thalamically-evoked cortical epileptiform activity.  Thalamus and Related Systems, 3:261-273, 2008.  PMC2184932
  224. Prince, D.A., Parada, I., Scalise, K., Graber, K., Jin, X. and Shen, F.  Epilepsy following cortical injury: Cellular and molecular mechanisms as targets for potential prophylaxis.  Epilepsia, 50(2):30-40, 2009. PMC2710960
  225. Marinelli, S., Pacioni, S., Bisogno, T., DiMarzo,V., Prince, D.A. Huguenard, J.R. and Bacci, Al.  The endocannabinoid-2-arachidonoylglycerol is responsible for the slow self-inhibition in neocortical neurons, J. Neurosci., 28(50):13352-13541, 2008. PMC2615383
  226. Chu,Y, Parada,I and Prince, DA. Temporal and topographic alterations in expression of the α3 isoform of Na+/K+-ATPase in the rat freeze lesion model of microgyria and epileptogenesis. Neuroscience, 162(2):339-48, 2009.
  227. Paz, J.T., Christian, C.A., Parada, I., Prince, D.A., Huguenard, J.R.  Focal cortical infarcts alter intrinsic excitability and synaptic excitation in the reticular thalamic nucleus, Journal of Neuroscienc,e 39(15) 5465-5479, , 2009. PMC2861582
  228. Zhang W., Yamawaki R., Wen X., Uhl J., Diaz J., Prince D.A., Buckmaster P.S.. Surviving hilar somatostatin interneurons enlarge, sprout axons, and form new synapses with granule cells in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurosci., 11;29(45):14247-56, 2009. PMC 2802278
  229. * Chu, Y.,  Jin, X., Parada, I., Pesic, A., Stevens B., Barres, B.A, and Prince, D.A.   Enhanced synaptic connectivity and epilepsy in C1q knockout mice, PNAS, 107(17):7975-80, 2010. PMC 2867906
  230. Halabisky, B., Parada, I., Buckmaster, P.S., Prince, D.A. Excitatory input onto hilar somatostatin interneurons is increased in a chronic model of epilepsy., J.  Neurophysiol.,  4(4):2214-2223,  2010.
  231. Faria, L.C. and Prince, D.A.  Presynaptic inhibitory terminals are functionally abnormal in a rat model of posttraumatic epilepsy.  J. Neurophysiology, ;104(1):280-290, 2010. PMC 2904216
  232. * Jin, X.,  Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Reorganization of inhibitory synaptic circuits in rodent chronically injured epileptogenic neocortex, Cereb Cortex, Sep 20. 21(5):1094-1104, 2011. PMC 3077430
  233. Frédéric Manseau, Marinelli, S, Schwaller, B, Prince, D.A., Huguenard, J.R. and Bacci, A. Desynchronization of neocortical networks by asynchronous release of GABA at autaptic and synaptic contacts from fast-spiking interneurons, PloS Biology,  28;8(9). pii: e1000492,  2010.  PMC2946936
  234. Anderson, T., Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Differential effects of Na+/K+ ATPase blockade on cortical layer V neurons, J. Physiol.,588(22):4401-4414,  2010. PMC3008847
  235. * Faria, L.C., Parada, I. and Prince D.A. Interneuronal calcium channel abnormalities in posttraumatic epileptogenic neocortex.  Neurobiol Dis. 2012 Feb;45(2):821-8. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
  236. Ma. Y. and Prince, D.A. Functional alterations in GABAergic fast-spiking interneurons in chronically injured epileptogenic neocortex,  Neurobiol Dis. 2012 Jul;47(1):102-13.

  237. Li H, Graber KD, Jin S, McDonald W, Barres BA, Prince DA, Gabapentin Decreases Epileptiform Discharges in a Chronic Model of Neocortical Trauma, Neurobiol. Dis. 48 (2012) 429–438
  238.  Ma Y*, Ramachandran A*, Ford N, Parada I, Prince DA  Remodeling of dendrites and spines in the C1q knockout model of genetic epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2013, Jul;54(7):1232-9. doi: 10.1111/epi.12195. Epub 2013 Apr 26
  239. Jin X, Jiang K, Prince DA. Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Connectivity to Layer V  Fast-spiking Interneurons in the Freeze Lesion Model of Cortical Microgyria. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Oct 1;112(7):1703-13. doi: 10.1152/jn.00854.2013. Epub 2014 Jul 2. PMID: 24990567

  240. *: Of special interest/importance

Reviews and Chapters

  1. Prince, D.A.  Discussion:  Microelectrode studies of penicillin foci.  Acute effects of local agents.  In:  Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, H. Jasper et al. (eds.) Boston:  Little, Brown and Company, pp. 320-328, 1969.
  2. Prince, D.A.  Topical convulsant drugs and metabolic antagonists.  In:  Experimental Models of Epilepsy, Purpura, D.P., Penry, J.K., Tower, D., Woodbury, D.M., Walter, R. (Eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 51-83, 1972.
  3. Prince, D.A.  Discussion:  Diphenylhydantoin increases spinal presynaptic inhibition.  Trans. Am. Neurol. Assoc. 97: 95‑96, 1972.
  4. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal correlates of epileptiform discharges and cortical DC potentials.  In:  Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 2. O. Creutzfeldt (ed.) Amsterdam:  Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 2C‑56‑2C‑70, 1974.
  5. Prince, D.A.  Cellular activities in focal epilepsy.  In:  Brain Dysfunction in Infantile Febrile Convulsions.  New York:  Raven Press, pp. 187‑212, 1976.
  6. Pedley, T.A., Fisher, R.S., Futamachi, K.J. and Prince, D.A.  Regulation of extracellular potassium concentration in epileptogenesis.  Fed. Proc. 35: 1254‑1259, 1976.
  7. Prince, D.A.  Neurophysiology of epilepsy.  Annual Rev. Neurosci. 1: 395‑415,1978).
  8. Prince, D.A. and Schwartzkroin, P.A.  Nonsynaptic mechanisms in epileptogenesis.  In:  Abnormal Neuronal Discharges.  N.  Chalazonitis, M. Boisson (eds.)  New York:  Raven Press, pp. 1‑12, 1978.
  9. Prince, D.A., Pedley, T.A. and Ransom, B.R.  Fluctuations in ion concentrations during excitation and seizures.  In:  Dynamic Properties of Glia Cells.  G. Franck, L. Hertz, E. Schoffeniels, D.B. Tower (eds.) Pergamon Press, pp. 281‑303, 1978.
  10. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal events underlying epileptogenesis.  In:  Topics in Neurology, Vol. 2.  G. Wise, M.E. Blaw, P.G. Procopis (eds.)  New York:  Spectrum Publications, pp. 35‑53, 1982.
  11. Prince, D.A.  Epileptogenesis in hippocampal and neocortical neurons.  In:  Physiology and Pharmacology of Epileptogenic Phenomena.  M.R. Klee, H.D. Lux, E.J. Speckmann (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 151‑162, 1982.
  12. Prince, D.A., Benninger, C. and Kadis, J.  Evoked ionic alterations in brain slices.  In:  Ion‑Selective Microelectrodes and Their Use in Excitable Tissues.  E. Sykova, P. Hnik, L. Vyklicky (eds.) New York:  Plenum Press, pp. 247‑259, 1981.
  13. Prince, D.A., Connors, B.W. and Benardo, L.S.  Mechanisms underlying interictal‑ictal transitions.  In:  Advances in Neurology, Vol. 34:  Status Epilepticus.  A.V. Delgado‑Escueta, C. Wasterlain, D.M. Treiman. R.J. Porter (eds.), New York:  Raven Press, pp. 179‑189, 1982.
  14. Benardo, L.S. and Prince, D.A.  Long term modulation of intrinsic membrane properties of hippocampal neurons.  In:  Conditioning:  Representation of Involved Neural Function.  C. Woody (ed.), New York:  Plenum Press, pp. 13‑35, 1982.
  15. Prince, D.A.  Mechanisms of epileptogenesis in brain slice model systems.  In:  Epilepsy  (Proceedings of the ARNMD Meeting).  A. Ward, J.K. Penry and D. Purpura (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp.  29‑52, 1983.
  16. Prince, D.A.  Ionic mechanisms in cortical and hippocampal epileptogenesis.  In:  Basic Mechanisms of Neuronal Hyperexcitability.  H.H. Jasper, N.M. van Gelder (eds.) New York:  Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 217‑243, 1983.
  17. Prince, D.A. and Connors, B.W.  Mechanisms of epileptogenesis in cortical structures. Ann. Neurol. 16(suppl): S59‑S64, 1984.
  18. Prince, D.A. and Connors, B.W.  Mechanisms of interictal epileptogenesis.  In:  Advances in Neurology, Vol. 44, A.V. Delgado‑Escueta, D.M. Woodbury, R.J. Porter (eds.) New York:  Raven Press, pp. 275‑299, 1986.
  19. Prince, D.A.  Physiological mechanisms of focal epileptogenesis.  Epilepsia 26(suppl.) S3‑S14, 1985.
  20. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Pirenzepine discriminates among ionic responses to acetylcholine in guinea‑pig cerebral cortex and reticular nucleus of thalamus.  Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (Suppl.), pp. 72‑77, February 1986.
  21. Prince, D.A. and Kriegstein, A.R.  Electrophysiological studies of immature neocortical neurons.  In:  Problems and Concepts in Developmental Neurophysiology, P. Kellaway,  J.L. Noebels (eds.) Baltimore:  The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 198-211, 1989.
  22. Prince, D.A., Deisz, R.A.  Ca‑mediated events during epileptogenesis.  In:  Epilepsy and Calcium.  E.J. Speckmann, H. Schulze, J. Walden (eds.) Munich:  Urban and Schwarzenberg, pp. 165‑183, 1986.
  23. Prince, D.A.  Neuronal events underlying focal epileptiform potentials.  In:  The Epileptic Focus.  H.G. Weiser, E.J. Speckmann, J. Engel, Jr. (eds.) pp. 17-26, 1987.
  24. Prince, D.A., McCormick, D.A. and Thompson, S.M.  Inhibitory control of cortical and thalamic neuronal activities.  In:  Inactivation of Hypersensitive Neurons.  N. Chalazonitis, M. Gola (eds.)  New York:  Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp. 1-8, 1986.
  25. McCormick, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Postsynaptic actions of acetylcholine in the mammalian brain in vitro.  In:  Neurotransmitters and Cortical Function  M. Avoli, T.A. Reader, R.W. Dykes, P. Gloor (eds.)  New York:  Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 287-302, 1988.
  26. Prince, D.A. and Huguenard, J.R.  Functional properties of neocortical neurons.  In:  Neurobiology of Neocortex.  P. Rakic, W. Singer (eds.)  Berlin:  S. Bernhard, Dahlem Conference Reports, pp. 153-176, 1988.
  27. Prince, D.A.  Cellular mechanisms of interictal-ictal transitions.  In:  Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis:  From Membranes to Man.  M. Dichter, (eds.)  Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 57-71, 1988.
  28. Prince, D.A.  Contribution of Ca-Mediated Events to Epileptogenesis.  In:  Exp. Brain Research, Series 14.  Heidelberg:  Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 318-326, 1986.
  29. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J. and Prince, D.A.  Cellular actions of petit mal anticonvulsants:  implication of thalamic low-threshold calcium current in generation of spike-wave discharge.  In:  Generalized Epilepsy:  Cellular, Molecular and Pharmacological Approaches, M. Avoli, P. Gloor, G. Kostopoulos and R. Naquet (eds.), Birkhauser, Boston 1990, pp.425-435.
  30. Huguenard, J., Coulter, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Physiology of thalamic relay neurons:  Properties of calcium currents involved in burst-firing.  In:  Generalized Epilepsy:  Cellular, Molecular and Pharmacological Approaches, M. Avoli, P. Gloor, G. Kostopoulos and R. Naquet (eds.), pp.425-435.
  31. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A. Developmental alterations in NMDA-mediated excitation in rat visual and somatosensory cortex.  In press: Exp. Brain Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20:139-142, 1991.
  32. Huguenard, J.R., Coulter, D.A. and Prince, D.A.  Properties of the low-threshold calcium current in thalamic relay neurons:  Recovery from inactivation in relation to the control of repetitive burst generation.  Exp. Brain Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20:39-43, 1991.
  33. Coulter, D.A., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A.  Mechanism of block of thalamic "T"-type Ca 2+ channels by petit mal anticonvulsants.  Exp. Brain. Res.:  Physiology, Pharmacology and Development of Epileptogenic Phenomena, M.R. Klee (ed.) Frankfurt, Series 20: 201-204, 1991
  34. Prince, D.A., Deisz, R.A., Thompson, S.M. and Chagnac-Amitai, Y.  Functional alternations in GABAergic inhibition during activity in G. Avanzini, J. Engel, Jr., R. Fariello, & U. Heinemann, Neurotransmitters in Epilepsy.  Vol. 1 Demos, New York, 1990.

  35. Luhmann, H.J. and Prince, D.A.  Ontogenetic modifications in neocortical inhibition and functional consequences for epileptiform discharge.  Epilepsy  and Inhibition.  Eds.: E.-J. Speckman and M.J. Gutnick.  Urban and Schwarzenbeck, Muenchen-Wien-Baltimore.
  36. Prince, D.A. Thirty years among cortical neurons.  In The Cortical Neuron. Eds.: M. Gutnick and       Istvan Mody. Oxford New York, 1995, pp. 3-23.
  37. Prince, D.A., Salin, P., Tseng, G.-F., Hoffman, S., and Parada, I.  Axonal sprouting and epileptogenesis.   Advances  in Neurology: Neuronal Regeneration, Reorganization and Repair.  Eds.: Seil, F.J.  New York: Raven Press, pp. 1-8, 1996.
  38. Huguenard, J.R. and Prince, D.A. Thalamic involvement in spike-wave epilepsy. In: The Thalamus E.G. Jones, D.A. McCormick and M. Steriade (Eds.) Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
  39. Prince, D.A. Epileptic Neurons and Circuits, Third Edition of Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies.  Eds: A. Delgado-Escueta, W. Wilson, R. Olsen and R. Porter, Lippincott, Raven, Philadelphia, 79:665-684 , 1999.
  40. Huguenard, J.R., Chung, J-M, and Prince, D.A. Excitability changes in thalamic and neocortical neurons after injury. In: Progressive Nature of Epileptogenesis.   Eds.: U. Heinemann, J. Engel, Jr., G. Avanzini, B.S. Meldrum., A. Mouritzen-Dam & C. Wasterlain Elsevier Science, B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 129-135, 1996.
  41. Huguenard, J.R., and Prince, D.A. Basic mechanisms of epileptic discharges in the thalamus.  In: The Thalamus.  Eds: E.G. Jones, D.A. McCormick and M. Steriade, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.295-330, 1997.
  42. Prince, D.A.  Epilepsy and the too-well connected brain.  News & View, Nature Medicine
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  43. Prince, D.A. and Jacobs, K.M. Epileptogenesis in the freeze model of cortical microgyria. Abnormal Cortical Development and Epilepsy. Eds: R. Spreafico, G. Avanzini and F. ;Andermann, John Libbey & Co., Ltd., London, pp. 133-143, 1999.
  44. Graber, K.D. and Prince, D.A.  Chronic partial cortical isolation.  In:  “Models of Seizures and Epilepsy.”  Pitkanen A, Schwartzkroin P and Moshe S, eds. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 2006, pp 477-493.
  45. Bacci, A., Huguenard, J.R. and Prince D.A. Modulation of neocortical interneurons: extrinsic influences and exercises in self-control. Trends in Neurosci., 28:602-610,  2005
  46. Prince DA, Parada I, Li H, McDonald W, Graber K (2010) Neocortical Posttraumatic     Epileptogenesis. Epilepsia 51 Suppl 5: 30.
  47. Li, H., McDonald, W., Parada, I., Faria, L., Graber, K., Takahashi, K., Ma, Y., and Prince, D.A. Targets for preventing epilepsy following cortical injury. Neurosci. Let., 497:172-176, 2011.
  48. Prince DA, Parada I, Graber K. Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Epilepsy, in: Jasper’s Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies – Fourth Edition, JL Noebels, M Avoli, MA Rogawski, RW Olsen and AV Delgado-Escueta,eds. Oxford Univ.Press, New York NY, 315-330, 2012.

Reference List

  1. Jin XM, Huguenard JR, Prince DA (2011) Reorganization of Inhibitory Synaptic Circuits in Rodent Chronically Injured Epileptogenic Neocortex. Cerebral Cortex 21: 1094-1104.

  2. Prince DA, Parada I, Li HF, McDonald W, Graber K (2010) Neocortical posttraumatic epileptogenesis. Epilepsia 51: 30.

  3. Faria LC, Prince DA (2010) Presynaptic Inhibitory Terminals Are Functionally Abnormal in a Rat Model of Posttraumatic Epilepsy. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 280-290

  4. Chu YX, Jin XM, Parada I, Pesic A, Stevens B, Barres B, Prince DA (2010) Enhanced synaptic connectivity and epilepsy in C1q knockout mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 7975-7980.

  5. Faria L, Prince DA (2009) Calcium Channel Abnormalities in Inhibitory Presynaptic Terminals of Epileptogenic Neocortex. Epilepsia 50: 311.

  6. Li HF, Graber KD, Prince DA (2009) Does Gabapentin Prevent Posttraumatic Epileptogenesis? Epilepsia 50: 350-351.

  7. Chu Y, Parada I, Prince DA (2009) Temporal and Topographic Alterations in Expression of the Alpha 3 Isoform of Na(+),K(+)-Atpase in the Rat Freeze Lesion Model of Microgyria and Epileptogenesis. Neuroscience 162: 339-348.

  8. Prince DA, Parada I, Scalise K, Graber K, Jin XM, Shen F (2009) Epilepsy following cortical injury: Cellular and molecular mechanisms as targets for potential prophylaxis. Epilepsia 50: 30-40.

  9. Chu YX, Jin X, Parada I, Stevens B, Prince DA (2008) Spontaneous Epileptiform Activity and Enhanced Excitatory Synaptic Connectivity in C1Q Knock- Out Mice. Epilepsia 49: 476.

  10. Prince DA, McCormick DA, Gutierrez R (2007) Sick axons and epileptogenesis. Epilepsia 48: 409.

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