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Academic Psychiatry is the international Journal of the American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Association for Academic Psychiatry, and the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry.

Academic Psychiatry publishes original scholarly work dedicated to innovative psychiatric education, professional development in academic psychiatry, and leadership by psychiatrists in the field of medicine. The journal aims to further knowledge in psychiatric education and stimulate improvements in the field of Academic Psychiatry. Articles address teaching, research, and administration, as well as clinical, organizational, and economic issues relevant to the academic missions of departments of psychiatry. Other features include a New Ideas section, commentaries and letters to the editor. Academic Psychiatry also gathers the best papers from meeting workshops, provides a forum for debate, and presents theme issues that focus on a single area of psychiatric education.

Academic Psychiatry features original, scholarly work focused on academic leadership and innovative education in psychiatry, behavioral sciences, and the health professions at large.


Laura Roberts, M.D., M.A.
Katharine Dexter McCormick and Stanley McCormick Memorial Professor and Chairman
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University

Clinical Gerontologist presents timely material relevant to the needs of mental health professionals and all practitioners who deal with the aged client. Published in cooperation with Psychologists in Long Term Care, the journal is designed for psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and counselors (family, pastoral, and vocational) who address the issues commonly found in later life, including: adjustments to changing roles, issues related to diversity and aging, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, family caregiving, spirituality, cognitive tests and cognitive functioning, comorbidities, depression, hypochondriasis, paranoia, rehabilitation and education for the elderly.


Dolores E. Gallagher-Thompson, PhD, ABPP
Director, Stanford Geriatric Education Center, and
Professor of Research, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Stanford University School of Medicine

Larry W. Thompson, PhD
Goldman Family Professor of Psychology,
Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, and
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine

Neuropsychology Review

  • Focuses on clinical populations and clinical problems in neuropsychology
  • Topics include neurocognitive features of central nervous system disease and injury; challenges in early diagnosis; the impact of ethnicity; risk factors for cognitive impairment; and more
  • Discusses strengths and weaknesses in the literature, and propose new methods, hypotheses and links to other disciplines

Neuropsychology Review is devoted to integrative review papers in all aspects of neuroscience contributing to a mechanistic understanding of human neuropsychology in normal and clinical populations.


Edith V. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University

Journal of Psychiatric Research is dedicated to innovative and timely studies of four important areas of research:

(1) Clinical studies of all disciplines relating to psychiatric illness, as well as normal human behaviour, including biochemical, physiological, genetic, environmental, social, psychological and epidemiological factors;

(2) Basic studies pertaining to psychiatry in such fields as neuropsychopharmacology, neuroendocrinology, electrophysiology, genetics, experimental psychology and epidemiology;

(3) The growing application of clinical laboratory techniques in psychiatry, including imagery and spectroscopy of the brain, molecular biology and computer sciences;

(4) Advances in basic and clinical research methodology, including the process of "bench-to-bedside" transfer of new research findings.


Florian Holsboer, MD, PhD
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

Alan F. Schatzberg, MD
Kenneth T. Norris, Jr., Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine

Addiction publishes peer-reviewed research reports on pharmacological and behavioural addictions, bringing together research conducted within many different disciplines.

Its goal is to serve international and interdisciplinary scientific and clinical communication, to strengthen links between science and policy, and to stimulate and enhance the quality of debate. 

Addiction's scope spans clinical, epidemiological, human experimental, policy, and historical research relating to any activity that has addictive potential. In addition to original research, the journal features editorials, commentaries, reviews, interviews, letters, and book reviews.

Robert West

Department of Epidemiology & Public Health
University College London

Regional Editor, North and South America
Keith Humphreys, PhD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine

Books edited and authored by our faculty