How to Become a Physician Scholar

Residents and fellows from clinical departments across our School of Medicine are eligible to become members of the Stanford Society of Physician Scholars. It is expected that Scholars will contribute to our community and attend at least three SSPS seminars per academic year. Membership Nominations are normally accepted from July to September.


Each clinical department selects their own candidates for membership in SSPS. Please send an e-mail to your department chair or program director with the following information: 

• A brief summary of your interest in pursuing an academic career 

• A half-page summary of why you are interested in joining SSPS 

• A copy of your curriculum vitae 


Once you are nominated by your department, you will receive a welcome e-mail from the SSPS program within 2-3 weeks. 

For questions, please send an e-mail to


First Cohort of SSPS Physician Scholars, 2010