Women & Sex Differences in Medicine (WSDM)


Save the Date - May 15, 2013

Fourth Annual Women’s Health Forum
(Inaugural hosting by the Stanford WSDM Center)
at Arrillaga Alumni Center, Stanford, CA

1:00 PM Welcome: Marcia Stefanick, PhD and Lynn Westphal, MD - Stanford WSDM Center Co-Founders & Co-Directors
1:15 PM Keynote: Susan Love, MD (see http://dslrf.org/actwithlove/)
A Future Without Breast Cancer: Where Are We and What Can We Do
Via the RSVP link, please choose A, B, or C concurrent sessions.
You may move during the breaks.
2:00 - 3:00 PM A. Breast Cancer
Moderator: Lynn Westphal, MD
Mark Pegram, MD (Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in the Genomic Age
Lindsay Beck (Quality of Life Issues for Cancer Survivors)
Allison Kurian, MD, MSc (Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Informing Prevention and Treatment Decisions)
B. Sleep, Pain, Headaches
Moderator: Marcia Stefanick, PhD
Rachel Manber, PhD (Sleeping: When and How Much?)
Rob Cowan, MD (Headaches Associated With Sexual Activity)
Beth Darnall, PhD (Less Pain, Fewer Pills: Optimizing the Mind-Body Connection in Chronic Pain)
C. Sexuality & Hormones
Moderator: Mary Jacobson, MD
Leah Millheiser, MD (Improve Your Sexual Function, Improve the Quality of Your Life!
Sophia Yen, MD, MPH (Contraceptive Update: EC, IUDs and No More Periods)
Mary Jacobson, MD (Innovations in Fibroid Treatment)
3:00 - 3:20 PM Break: you may move to another session
3:20 - 4:00 PM A. Cancer Survivorship
Moderator: Marcia Stefanick, PhD
Susan Love (Patient and Doctor’s Experience of Cancer Treatment)
David Spiegel, MD (Stress, Support, and Survivorship)
B. Cardiovascular Health
Women’s Heart Health at Stanford
Patricia Nguyen, MD
Sandra Tsai, MD, MPH
Katharine Sears, MD
(Don’t Miss a Beat: Heart Healthy Behaviors in a Fast-Paced World)
C. Skin Care/Dermatology
Moderator: Lynn Westphal, MD
Susan Swetter, MD (What’s New in Sunscreen and Skin Cancer Prevention)
Sam Most, MD (Facial Rejuvenation in 2013 and Beyond)
4:05 - 4:45 PM A. Breast Cancer Survivors
Moderator: Lynn Westphal, MD
Irene Wapnir, MD (The Changing Role of Surgery in Breast Cancer)
Oxana Palesh, PhD, MPH (Management of Sleep Problems in Cancer)
B. Diet & Weight Control
Moderator: Sun Kim, MD
Christopher Gardner, PhD (Battle of the Weight Loss Diets: Is Anyone Winning (at Losing)?)
Sun Kim, MS, MD (Why is it so Hard to Lose Weight/)
C. Lung & Colorectal Cancer
Moderator: Marcia Stefanick, PhD
Heather Wakelee, MD (Lung Cancer in Women and Never-Smokers: Beyond the Marlboro Man)
Uri Ladabaum, MD (Colorectal Cancer Screening & Prevention)
4:45 - 5:00 PM Performance by Stanford Quartet & Adjourn

RSVP Here Before April 30

Our First Symposium:

Basic & Translational Neuroscience Research Symposium on Sex Differences

Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 12 PM
Li Ka Shing Center


12 PM SeXX & SeXY: A Dialogue on the Question of the Female Brain & the Male Brain
Louann Brizendine, MD (UCSF) & Daphna Joel, PhD (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
1:30 PM Welcome
Marcia Stefanick, PhD (Stanford) & Lynn Westphal, MD (Stanford)
1:40 PM The Genetics of Social Behavior: Understanding How We Mate, Fight and Parent
Nirao Shah, MD, PhD (UCSF)
2:10 PM Stem Cells and Reprogramming Into the Neural Lineage
Marius Wernig, MD, PhD (Stanford)
2:25 PM Brain Signatures of Behavioral Sex Differences
Russell Fernald, PhD (Stanford)
2:45 PM Panel Discussion
3:00 PM Break
3:20 PM Sex, Brain and Psychopathology
Daphna Joel, PhD (Tel Aviv)
3:50 PM Girls, Boys & Autism
Joachim Hallmayer, MD, Dr Med
Antonio Hardan, MD (Stanford)
4:05 PM Sex Differences in Alzheimer's Disease
Victor Henderson, MD
4:25 PM Revisions to the Twentieth Century View of Sex Determination: Lessons from the Study of Sex Differences in Obesity
Art Arnold, PhD (UCLA)
4:55 PM Panel Discussion
5:15 PM Adjourn

Pre-Symposium Talk
Tuesday, March 5: 6 - 7:30 PM
Clark Center Auditorium

The Female Brain & the Male Brain
Louann Brizendine, MD

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