Gary Oas

Physics Instructor

B.S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Ph.D., University of California, Davis

In January 1995, just prior to completing his Ph.D. at the University of California at Davis, Dr. Oas was hired by the Education Program for Gifted Youth to take over the development and tutoring of the physics courses. His thesis covered mathematical physics pertaining to quantum chaos (“Normal Matrix Models”). Dr. Oas continues to do research in areas such as foundations of quantum mechanics, special relativity, physics pedagogy, and of course random matrix models. Currently, he is collaborating on models of brain function.

Dr. Oas has an interest in music, primarily blues, jazz, and gypsy jazz. He plays guitar, piano and saxophone. He also enjoys aviation and holds a private pilot's license. Dr. Oas really enjoys talking about physics and reading physics books (several at a time), but he has been known to pick up a good Wodehouse or some other recent fictional work.


G. Oas. “Correlation Polytopes as Seen through Quasi-probability” in preparation. Presented at “Quantum Foundations & Quantum Information” Linnaeus Univ. Sweden 2013.

J.A. de Barros, G. Oas.  “Response Selection Using Neural Phase Oscillators” arXiv:1208.6041 submitted to the Festschrift in honor of Patrick Suppes’s 90th Birthday 2012.

P. Suppes, J.A. de Barros, G. Oas. “Neural Phase Oscillator Representations of Behavioral Stimulus-Response Models.'’ Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Volume 56, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 95–117 (arXiv: Link to publication)

G. Oas. “On the Abuse and Use of Relativistic Mass,” arXiv, October 21, 2005.

Suppes, P, J.A. de Barros, G. Oas “A Collection of Probabilistic Hidden-Variable Theorems and Counterexamples.” In Conf Proc “Waves, Information and Foundations of Physics,” Nouvo Cimento 60 (1998).

R. Ravaglia, R. Sommer, M. Sanders, G. Oas, C. DeLeone. “Computer-Based Mathematics and Physics for Gifted Remote Students,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education and Technology (1997): 405.

G. Oas. “Universal Cubic Eigenvalue Repulsion for Normal Random Matrices,” Phys Rev E 55, 205 (1997).

G. Oas. Normal Matrix Models. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1995.