Pacific Free Clinic  

Donating to PFC

Thank you for your interest in giving to Pacific Free Clinic. Your gift will be used exclusively for patient care and will go a long way toward helping the clinic serve our community members most in need. Thank you for your support! 

Instructions for donating by check or via the web are presented below.

Donating by check
Please make checks payable to Stanford University and be sure to specify Pacific Free Clinic as the recipient. Mail checks to:

Pacific Free Clinic 
c/o Development Services

PO Box 20466

Stanford, CA 94309

Donating online
To make an online contribution, please access the website Stanford Medical Center Development.
Once you're there:

  1. Follow the link to the online giving form
  2. Choose Other (Designate on Next Page) from the Direct Your Gift pull-down menu
  3. Click on the Continue Link link
  4. Designate  Pacific Free Clinic in the Special Instructions/Other Designation field
  5. Complete the remainder of the form

For further assistance, please contact the Office of Medical Development at (650) 234-0600 or If you would like to speak with staff from the clinic prior to making your gift, please contact Evelyn Ho, Managing Director, at or 650-725-8799.

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