Blog Articles

Program Article

J. Christian Gerdes Named Interim Director of The Revs Program at Stanford

Stanford University has appointed Engineering Professor J. Christian Gerdes as the school's interim director of the Revs Program at Stanford, following the passing of Professor Clifford Nass. Launched in April 2011, Revs has advanced multidisciplinary research and teaching focused on the automobile and transportation.

Gerdes has been co-director of Revs since its inception and was one of its founding professors. Since the program's launch in April 2011, he has led the Revs research team in looking at the inner workings of the driver through physiological data synchronized with a... Read More

Program Article

How They Did It: Students Explain How They Judged at This Year's Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance

The members of Stanford's ME200 'Understanding Historical Significance,' were given a rare seat at the table at this year's 2013 Pebble Beach Concurs d'Elegance: the opportunity to present a special award at the historic event. The day started for us before sunrise, and after watching the cars roll onto the lawn we were invited to attend the judges’ morning meeting, before setting off to scrutinize the cars on our short list.Our first visit was to one of the 1910 Prinz Heinrich Benz cars, which had over the course of the previous century had its body lost and was completely rebuilt, also... Read More

Program Article

Remembering Cliff Nass

It is with great sadness that I tell you we lost our beloved Revs Director Cliff Nass this past weekend. Cliff was taking some much needed R&R in the Sierras this weekend when he suffered a sudden heart attack and died. He was 55.

Cliff's work and influence went well beyond his role as Director of Revs. Cliff was the Thomas M. Storke Professor at Stanford University, with appointments in communication; computer science; education; law; science, technology, and society; sociology, and symbolic systems. He directed the Communication between Humans and Interactive Media (CHIMe)... Read More

Program Article

Video Shows New Autonomous Driving Simulator at Stanford

As a part of our continuing look inside the Revs Program at Stanford, we present our latest video about Stanford's new autonomous driving simulator. The simulator is located inside the Automotive Innovation Facility on Stanford's campus and funding was provided by the Revs Program at Stanford, the Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS), and the Toyota Collaborative Safety Research Center (Toyota CSRC).

The simulator is open for use for Stanford students and faculty. External collaboration requests can be sent to Erina Dubois at the CHIMe Lab.

Program Article

Filming 'Lady Parts' For Stanford's Documentary Film Program

A part of the Revs Program's grant to Stanford's documentary MFA film program, Emily Fraser and Katherine Gorringe focused their summer documentary on a unique repair facility in northern California. Read about Emily's experience and view the trailer of their film below. The full version is headed to film festivals this year and will be available for viewing here on the Revs website in 12 months. View a gallery of images from their experience here.


Sometimes it really is all about the name. I was driving through Redwood City on my way home from a doctor's appointment when... Read More
