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California ShakeOut Registration or Renewal

  • If you have never registered for the California ShakeOut, please use the form on the left.

  • If you have previously registered for the California ShakeOut, please login to your ShakeOut profile using the form on the right.

  • If someone else has registered your organization in the past, but you will be the registrant this year, please create a new registration using the form on the left.

Begin your registration
for the California ShakeOut

Login to Renew Your Registration
for the California ShakeOut

Enter your e-mail address:

I forgot my password/access code.

If you encounter any errors registering or logging in, please e-mail for assistance.

By registering for the ShakeOut, you or your organization will:

  • Be counted in the largest-ever earthquake drill in California!
  • Be listed with other participants in your area (Optional)
  • Be an example that motivates others to participate & prepare
  • Be updated with ShakeOut news and preparedness tips
  • Have peace of mind that you, your family, your co-workers and millions of others will be better prepared to survive and recover quickly from our next big earthquake!



You can download our paper registration form for use at events.

Use this form only to enter registration data collected on paper, or as an online form at events.

10:17 am on October 17, 2013
©2013 SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center @ USC Step 1: Secure it now! Step 2: Make a plan Step 3: Make disaster kits Step 4: Is your place safe? Step 5: Drop, Cover, and Hold On Step 6: Check it out! Step 7: Communicate and recover!