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Current International Visitors

Fellow Year: 2015-2016

Guenter Blamberger

Director, Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities

University of Cologne, Germany

Humanities Center International Visitor 2015-2016

February 15 to March 15, 2016

Guenter Blamberger holds a Chair in German Philology at the University of Cologne and is Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities (Internationales Kolleg Morphomata) in Cologne. Since 1996 he has served as President of the International Kleist-Society, and editor of the Kleist-Yearbook. He was responsible for Kleist-Bicentenary in 2011. His biography on Heinrich von Kleist (Fischer, 2011) received an award as Germany’s best nonfiction-book of that year. It will be published by Chicago University Press in 2016.

Blamberger's main areas of research include German and European literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, moralistic philosophy, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies on creativity, contemporary German literature and film, figurations of melancholy, figurations of death. His recently published books are On Creativity, Ed. (Penguin Press, 2015), Sind alle Denker traurig? Ed. (Fink, 2015), Venus as Muse, Ed. (Brill/Rodopi, 2015), Auf schwankendem Grund. Dekadenz und Tod im Venedig der Moderne, Ed. (Fink, 2014), Figuring Death, Figuring Creativity: On the Power of Aesthetic Ideas (Fink, 2013),  Peter Esterházy, Ed. (Fink, 2013), Möglichkeitsdenken, Ed. (Fink, 2013), Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids, Ed. (Fink, 2013), Daniel Kehlmann, Ed. (Fink, 2012). 

Blamberger was nominated by the Departments of German, Comparative Literature, and Iberian and Latin American Cultures.

Isabelle Bour

Director, Institute of Eighteenth-Century English Studies and Research

New Sorbonne University

FSI-Humanities Center International Visitor 2015-2016 

January 4 to February 3, 2016

Bliss Carnochan International Visitor

A graduate of the Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, Bour holds a PhD from the Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has taught at the Universities of Grenoble, of Versailles Saint-Quentin, of Tours and is now a professor of eighteenth-century British Studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, where she runs the CREA XVIII (Centre de recherche et d’études anglaises du XVIIIe siècle) research unit and sits on the Governing Council.

Her most recent research focuses on the epistemology of sensibility and on the reception and translation of British authors in Europe. She devoted three chapters to the latter topic in Anthony Mandal and Brian Southam’s book The Reception of Jane Austen in Europe (Continuum, 2007) and, with Judith Zinsser, Bour translated a selection of scientific and philosophical texts by Emilie Du Châtelet (Chicago University Press, 2009). Her edition of the works of Mary Wollstonecraft translated into French in the eighteenth century is forthcoming from Garnier.

Her current project is an intellectual biography of Wollstonecraft that will look afresh at her standing in France. In 2000 Bour was awarded the Order of the Palmes académiques, for services at the Ecole polytechnique, one of France’s top graduate schools.

Bour was nominated by the Department of English. 

Spike Bucklow
Senior Research Scientist, Fitzwilliam Museum, Hamilton Kerr Institute 
Humanities Center International Visitor 2015-2016
February 22 to March 18, 2016
Ruth Garland Bowes International Visitor 2015-16

Spike Bucklow is currently the Senior Research Scientist at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. His first degree was in chemistry and, following his interest in art, he formulated materials and made special effects for TV and film, including Star Wars and Indiana Jones. With the advent of CGI, he retrained as a painting conservator and did a PhD supervised by John Gage at University of Cambridge.

Since then he has been involved in the restoration (and documentation) of important 13- and 14-century paintings including the Thornham Parva Retable (2004) and Westminster Retable (2009). As a result of immersion in the technicalities of medieval painting he became interested in pre-modern cultural relationships with the material world, leading to The Alchemy of Paint (Marion Boyars, 2009) and The Riddle of the Image (University of Chicago Press, 2014). He has just completed a book entitled Red, the art and science of a colour (2016). Spike has just embarked on a project centred on a large seventeenth-century still-life painted in England during the Anglo-Dutch wars. The Dutch painter's identity is unknown but the patron was Sir Robert Paston, politician, founding Fellow of the Royal Society and friend of Sir Thomas Browne. The painting will be explored for evidence about attitudes to, and circulation of, material goods in the early-modern world.

Bucklow was nominated by the Department of Art and Art History.  

Hakan Kirimli

Director, Center for Russian Studies

Bilkent University

FSI-Humanities Center International Visitor 2015-2016

Spring 2016 (exact dates TBD)

Hakan Kirimli is Associate Professor of International Relations and Director of the Center for Russian Studies at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. He holds a BA in economics and an MA in history from Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and a PhD in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Kirimli is a leading scholar of the history of Crimean Tatars and their relations with neighboring Turkic peoples and imperial Russia. His first book,  National Movements and National Identity among the Crimean Tatars, 1905-1916 (Brill Publishers, 1996), is the first scholarly work to closely examine the formation of the modern identity of Crimean Tatars. Kirimli filled many lacunae on the subject by bringing to light previously unexamined archival materials. His most recent book, Crimean Tatars and Nogai Village Settlements in Turkey (2012), is a seminal work on Crimean and Caucasian diaspora communities in Turkey. His work includes themes of deportations and diaspora, migration studies, Russian imperial policy (particularly towards Muslim populations), borderlands, memory, and cultural and political networks.

Kirimli was nominated by the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.

Myoung-kyu Park

Director, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS), Seoul National University

FSI-Humanities Center International Visitor 2015-2016

September 21 to October 31, 2016

Myoung-kyu Park is a Professor of Sociology and has been the Director for the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS) at Seoul National University since 2006. He was the Director of the Social Development Research Institute (2002-2004);  Chairman of the History and Society Editorial Board (2002-2004); and President of the Korean Social History Association (2002-2004). He is editor-in-chief of the Asian Journal of Peacebuilding. He has also been a visiting fellow at Harvard-Yenching Institute (1989-1990), a visiting scholar at University of California, Irvine (1998-1999) and visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley (2003-2004).

Park's research fields are social history, sociology of nation and national identity, inter-Korean relations, and sociology of religion. His publications include: Sociology of Boundary in Inter-Korean Relations (in Korean, 2012); North Korean Diaspora, (co-author in Korean, 2011); EU and North Korea: Humanitarianism or Business? (co-editor, in English, 2010); Nation, People and Citizen: Korean Political Subjectivities from the Conceptual History, (in Korean, 2010); and Inter-Korean Integration Index, 1989-2007 (co-author, in Korean, 2009).

Park was nominated by the Asia-Pacific Research Center.