The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

GUIDANCE — Consult with a Study Facilitator

Set-Up Your Study

The STUDY SET-UP stage includes activities that occur after the study has been designed and developed, and before you begin to enroll patients.

This stage includes activities in areas such as:

  • contracts & grant proposals
  • IRB approval
  • research management compliance
  • study budgeting & billing
  • required registration of trial
Primary Contact

If you don't find what you are looking for, give us a call.
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(650) 498-6498

OTC provides Study Facilitators who guide investigators and study personnel through the clinical research process, from study idea and design through close-out and publication, for clinical and translational research projects.

Study Facilitators are health professionals with extensive clinical research experience and expertise in navigating the Stanford clinical and translational research system. A Study Facilitator will advise you and consult appropriate experts regarding:

Getting Started

  • Do I need help with my study design?
  • What is a Case Report Form and how do I create one?
  • Can I do my study at Stanford?
  • What resources are available to support my project?

Regulatory Requirements

  • What are FDA requirements?
  • Do I need IRB approval?
  • Do I need an IND or IDE for my research project?
  • What does it mean to be a Sponsor-Investigator?
  • What documents are essential for my research?

Budget and Billing Matters

  • What is RMG and who is my RPM?
  • What is Medicare Pre-authorization?
  • How do I get started with my budget?
  • Who do I contact for billing issues?
  • What is the workbook?

Staffing Needs

  • Do I need a coordinator?
  • What does a coordinator do?
  • How much will a coordinator cost?

Grant and Contract Processes

  • When do I need a contract?
  • What is the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) and who is my contract officer?
  • How do I finance my study?
  • Do I need a contract if I am getting equipment on loan?
  • Who do I contact about my grant?