The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Pilot Grants — SPARK (Therapeutics)


The Spectrum Innovations and Pilots Program accelerates the translation of medical discoveries into better health through innovation training, mentorships and pilot funding of promising projects.

Innovation training and project development support are offered through these fellowship and educational programs:

  • Biodesign (medtech innovation)
  • SPARK (biopharma innovation)
  • SPADA (Stanford Predictives and Diagnostics Accelerator)

Spectrum Pilot Grants for SPARK support development of novel therapeutics (small molecules, peptides, biologics, nucleic acid therapies, vaccines, gene therapies, stem cells, etc.) and diagnostics for unmet medical needs. Selected projects receive funding ($15,000-$50,000 per year), mentorship, and access to expert advisors from all stages of drug and diagnostic development. Proposals will be considered for any clinical indication and evaluated on the following criteria:

  • the scope and/or severity of unmet medical need,
  • novelty of approach, and
  • feasibility of the path to clinic

Projects may address an unmet need in any clinical area and we give special consideration to projects for global health, pediatrics, rare orphan diseases and other therapeutic areas that have been traditionally neglected by the for-profit sector. For a list of funded projects from previous cycles, please visit "List of Past Pilot Grant Awards" article below.

Applications for the 2016 cycle of funding are due by 6pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

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