The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Protocol Development and Scientific Advice


Spectrum Child Health provides formal infrastructure, mentoring, and funding in preparing early and mid-career faculty for a career in clinical and translational research in child health.

Services are available to Stanford faculty and trainees participating in clinical and translational research in children. Resources and services include:

  • Research Coordinators
  • Research Nurses
  • Clinic Space
  • Mentoring
  • Protocol or Scientific Advising
  • Core Lab Services
Contact Information

Spectrum Child Health Administration
(650) 724-6891

Meet with a Spectrum Child Health grant reviewer to seek grant-writing or scientific advice about a specific research proposal prior to submission or re-submission to an NIH/Federal grant program, or one of our internally funded grants programs (Pediatric Research Fund, Innovations in Patient Care, Heart Center Research Program, Child Health Research Institute Fellowship).

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