The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Spectrum Funding


Spectrum support for Clinical Research is divided into four stages, the first of which is DESIGNING YOUR STUDY.

This stage includes tasks and activities that occur early in the design & development of a study, such as:

  • biostatistics consultations
  • informatics consultations
  • bioethics consultations
  • identifying co-investigators and collaborators
  • exploring funding opportunities
Primary Contact

If you don't find what you are looking for, give us a call.

Contact Spectrum  email
(650) 498-6498
Spectrum Pilot Grants

Spectrum provides pilot funding for projects in:

  • Therapeutics (drug discovery and development)
  • Medtech
  • Predictives and Diagnostics
  • Population Health Sciences
  • Community Engagement

See the Innovations and Pilots page for more details.

Spectrum Child Health Funding

Spectrum Child Health administers several funding programs to facilitate and support the best child-health focused research at Stanford.

Spectrum Administrative Supplements

Occassionally NIH funds Administrative Supplements to the parent grant that supports Spectrum. Currently open or recently funded opportunities are posted below.

  • CTSA Administrative Supplement Funding Opportunity #1
    (recently funded)
    Supplements to support new or ongoing bench-to-bedside T1-type research (collaboration between faculty at two or more CTSA sites) (up to $500,000 total costs for 1 year)
  • CTSA Administrative Supplement Funding Opportunity #2
    (recently funded)
    Study design, especially as applied to comparative effectiveness research (up to $300,000 total costs for one year)
Other Internal Funding Opportunities

Research Management Group (RMG) is the primary source for information on internal funding opportunities for support of pilot projects.