The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Submit eProtocol - Human Subjects, Stem Cells, Animal Subjects & Biosafety

Set-Up Your Study

The STUDY SET-UP stage includes activities that occur after the study has been designed and developed, and before you begin to enroll patients.

This stage includes activities in areas such as:

  • contracts & grant proposals
  • IRB approval
  • research management compliance
  • study budgeting & billing
  • required registration of trial
Primary Contact

If you don't find what you are looking for, give us a call.
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(650) 498-6498

What is eProtocol?

eProtocol is an online application used at Stanford to submit, review, and approve research. There are four modules in eProtocol:

  • IRB (Human Subjects)
  • SCRO (Stem Cells)
  • APLAC (Animal Subjects)
  • APB (Biosafety)

eProtocol Help Desk

650 724-8964

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