Skin deep

The science of the body's surface



Upfront is a quick look at the latest developments from Stanford Medicine

Taming leukemia cells

Scientists discover a method that can force dangerous leukemia cells to mature into harmless immune cells called macrophages.

Hospitals rise

Stanford’s two hospitals have completed the structural phase of new construction that will add hundreds of private rooms and expand the emergency department.

Kalanithi’s words touch millions

“Before I Go,” written by the late Paul Kalanithi and published in Stanford Medicine, described his life as a young surgeon with metastatic cancer.

A safer antibiotic

A study in mice has found that a commonly used antibiotic can be modified to eliminate the risk of hearing loss.

Healthy app-titude

A free iPhone app helps patients keep track of their health while helping researchers study exercise and its effect on the heart.

My secret

About one-third of LGBT medical students in the United States and Canada choose to keep their sexual identity a secret.

Head shots

Brain images of people with diagnoses as varied as depression, schizophrenia and addiction show similar gray-matter loss.

Silent X

Researchers describe the steps by which one X chromosome is inactivated in females.

The Backstory

Take cover

Stanford dermatologists say it’s never too early to adopt practices that minimize the sun’s ability to damage your skin.

Letter from the Dean

The subtle cycle

Constant rounds of success and failure underlie advances in medical research and health-care delivery.


Heart choices

As fewer healthy, young hearts become available for transplant, attention turns to the increasing number of castoff donor hearts.


Vaccine hunter

A new biography of Jonas Salk, written by professor emeritus of medicine Charlotte Jacobs, MD, tells the legendary polio fighter’s story. Stanford Medicine offers an excerpt.

In Brief

Sharp sight

Marking an improvement over existing devices, a team led by Stanford researchers has developed an implant that could improve sight for patients suffering from retina disabling disorders.

Other Issues

Stanford Medicine magazine is published four times a year, and each issue focuses on a specific topic.