Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Security at the Arastradero Facility

Arastradero is a secured building that remains locked at all times.  All perimeter doors are operated by card reader only.  Doors should never be propped open or left ajar at any time.

Interior doors that operate on card readers should be closed/locked at all times

All visitors should check in at the Building A lobby with the receptionist.

Deliveries will only be accepted at Building A at the designated door.  The loading dock does not accept deliveries unless advanced arrangements are made through the Building Manager or the Lab Management staff.

Suspicious Persons or Activities

Call Stanford Security at 3-7222
Call 911 for the Palo Alto Police Department
Contact the Building Manager for assistance (Cathy Emory at 5-2495)

In Case of Theft

Report any theft to the Building Manager immediately.  The contact information is 650-725-2495.  Be prepared to give details of the missing item(s), location item(s) are missing from, date/time you suspect the item(s) were stolen, and cost of the item(s).

IT Security

It is recommended that all computers (laptops and desktops) be locked with a computer cable lock mechanism.  Please see the Building Manager to acquire the appropriate lock for your system.

Laptop users should always at the end of the day lock there computer in a drawer or overhead cabinet.  You should not leave your laptop in the docking station or on your desk even if you have it locked down.



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