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Tech, Gadgets, and Games

Modern Warfare 2 is biggest ever entertainment launch

Another day, another sales record blown away by Infinity Ward’s acclaimed videogame.

T-Mobile staff 'stole and sold customers' personal details'

Thousands of T-Mobile phone customers' personal details have been stolen by staff and sold on to rival companies, it is revealed.

'Digital cloud' could transform London's Olympic skyline

Futuristic Google-backed proposal for Olympic Park structure would display images and data and give visitors incredible views of the city.



Office 2010 fights Google with SharePoint bloat

Decent upgrade gets out of shape Review  Office is in a curious competitive position. On the desktop, Office is untouchable - even the free has done little to shift its hold, especially in business.

The Register


"Unfriend" named Word of the Year by OUP

Hashtag a runner up as social networking makes a big impact on our vocab As do other such companies, the New Oxford American Dictionary has revealed the new words it is considering for inclusion, and revealed its choice of "Word of the Year" for...


Madden NFL 10 (Review)

The NFL has long prided itself on parity. Each new season has little, if anything, to do with the year that preceded it; players come and go with astonishing speed as 5-11 teams become Super Bowl competitors and champions fall apart.

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