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Guiding IT at Stanford: the CIO Council

Monday, February 2, 2015

This past October, University CFO Randy Livingston announced the formation of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), uniting the leadership of the three central IT units at Stanford (Administrative Systems, Information Technology Services, and the Information Security Office). The goal of the OCIO is to drive a unified vision and strategy for IT across the university.

In pursuit of this objective, the OCIO is convening an advisory group consisting of the senior-most technical leaders from major Stanford units/areas that manage one or more substantial IT enterprises. Leveraging the vast knowledge and experience of its membership, the CIO Council will advise the OCIO on University-wide IT matters in three key ways:

  • provide advice and counsel on university-wide technology strategy and direction,
  • inform priorities related to technology at Stanford, and
  • serve as a locus for campus-wide IT planning and coordination.

Chaired jointly by one member of the OCIO partnering with one regular Council member, the Council will meet monthly beginning in February 2015. The chair position will rotate annually.

University community members are encouraged to speak with Council members to ask questions or provide input related to IT strategy at Stanford.

CIO Council Membership

Office of Development and Alumni Association Rainer Bullinger
University IT – IT Services Bill Clebsch*
University IT – Information Security Office Michael Duff*
Land, Buildings, and Real Estate Michael Fox
Residential and Dining Enterprises Danna Gianforte
School of Medicine Michael Halaas
School of Humanities and Sciences Barbara Jacobs
Graduate School of Business Ranga Jayaraman
University IT – Administrative Systems Ganesh Karkala*
VP Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer Randy Livingston*
Research Computing Ruth Marinshaw
Stanford Management Company Minh Nguyen
Stanford University Libraries Bob Schwarzwalder
School of Engineering Reed Sprague
Law School Jason Watson
VP Teaching and Learning Richard Webber
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory James Williams
Council Staff Support from University IT Nancy Ware

* denotes Office of the CIO member

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