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Gender and Climate Change - Outreach


UNFCCC side-events and Exhibits

Besides the official side events coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and observer organizations often organize their own events relating to the climate change negotiation process within different Pavilions and outside the conference premises. Some NGOs also hold media actions or publicity activities in order to raise public awareness or to communicate with delegates during the sessions.

Please see Side Events & Exhibits for more information

Social Media
Gender and Climate Change Community
News and views on Gender and Climate Change

International Women's Day Community
International Women's Day (IWD) celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future

The Adaptation Exchange
Across all sectors, levels, scales, and stages of adaptation planning and implementation, as well as extreme weather events

Momentum for Change
Raises awareness about scalable action to address climate change

The Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres engaged on Twitter on the COP 18 Gender Decision

UN Women
Follow latest news and events

The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment

Set up by the UN Secretary-General, the panel will look at the best ways to unlock the power of women to work and achieve their financial independence more>>