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Gender and Climate Change - Workshop May 2017

In-session workshop on the development of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC

Bonn, Germany

10 - 11 May 2017

Venue: World Conference Centre

Room: Santiago de Chile
(check CCTV to confirm room location and time)

pdf-icon Provisional Programme and annotations (627 kB)

Day 1: Wednesday, 10 May
10:00 - 13:00

Opening and welcome
Ms Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

Mr Tomasz Chruszczow, SBI Chair and Ambassador Nazhat Khan (Fiji)


Ms Winfred Lichuma (Kenya) and Mr Geert Fremout (Belgium)

Session I



Setting the foundation

  • Mandate, format of the workshop and expected outcome: Facilitators
  • Overview of submissions, including lessons learned from other action plans: Secretariat and the Women and Gender Constituency
  • Outline of gender decisions, governance options and interaction with other UNFCCC processes: Secretariat
  • Feedback from grassroots ‘Listening and Learning’ dialogue: (tbc)
  • Overview of informal consultation, including option on the format of the gender action plan and possible topics/focus areas: Mr Pieter Terpstra, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Proposal for working group topics/focus areas for Day 2: Facilitators

Format: Presentations and Q&A

  pdf-icon Lessons learned from other action plans
(294 kB)
pdf-icon Gender decisions, governance options and interaction with other UNFCCC processes (467 kB)
UNFCCC secretariat 

pdf-icon Common Recommendations & Analysis (291 kB)


Bridget Burns
(Woman and Gender Constiuency)
  pdf-icon Informal Consultations on the Gender Action Plan (254 kB) Pieter Terpstra (Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Session II



Objectives of the gender action plan

Facilitated dialogue: what are the overall objectives of the gender action plan and what would success look like in 2019?


Format: Panel of Party and non-Party stakeholders, with questions from the floor

Wrap up and outline Day 2  


Day 2: Thursday, 11 May
15:00 - 18:00

Session III


(Working groups)



Working group session to identify elements and possible activities for the gender action plan. Topics for the groups will be identified in session I on Day 1.

Format: Working groups, each guided by a facilitator, with a rapporteur to capture ideas

Room allocation for working groups:


Room: Santiago de Chile:

Cluster A (Capacity building, knowledge sharing and communication),

Cluster C (Coherence within the UNFCCC and other UN agencies),

Cluster D (Gender-responsive implementation and Means of Implementation)


Room: H – 1-02

Cluster B (Gender balance and participation)


Room: H – 1-04

Cluster E (Monitoring and reporting)




pdf-icon Report back Cluster A (117 kB)  


pdf-icon Report back Cluster C (141 kB)


pdf-icon Report back Cluster D (170 kB)


pdf-icon Report back Cluster B (187 kB)


pdf-icon Report back Cluster E (507 kB)

Session IV



An opportunity for all participants to hear from each group and clarify ideas as needed.


Format: Each group will report back to plenary, ideas will be projected on screen, open for comments/clarifications

Summary and close
A summary report will be prepared during the workshop based on ideas developed in the working groups and published on the UNFCCC website before the close of the SBI

Workshop report / Webcast

pdf-icon Informal summary report of the in-session workshop (395 kB)

Workshop 10 May (Part I)
Workshop 11 May (Part II)

- Parties
- Observer Organizations
pdf-icon Submission - Views on elements of a gender action plan for the UNFCCC. Report of the Informal consultations on the development of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC, 27-28 March 2017, The Hague, the Netherlands

pdf-icon Submission (728 kB) - A Listening and Learning Climate Justice Dialogue that brought together grassroots women and climate negotiators was convened in Bonn on the 9th May 2017 and produced the following key messages of relevance to the in-session workshop on a Gender Action Plan
Background documents

- Decision 21/CP.22

- pdf-icon Informal document
(764 kB) Compilation of decisions, subsidiary body reports related to gender and climate change. Prepared by the secretariat