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Water: Drinking Water

Ground Water and Drinking Water

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Storm and Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness for incidents affecting drinking water and wastewater systems

Major storms and other types of incidents can be highly disruptive for water systems. Learn what water consumers can do to protect their water and what utility operators can do to protect their drinking water and wastewater systems. Visit:

For easy access to preparedness information on your smartphone, check out the FEMA app or download the free Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake or Wildfires Apps from the American Red Cross.

In the United States, we enjoy one of the best supplies of drinking water in the world.However, many of us give little or no thought to the water that comes from our taps whether it comes from a public water system or from your own, individual well.

Consumers often have questions about their drinking water and relay those to EPA through our contact us page or by calling our Safe Drinking Water Hotline.

Here are some of the popular subject areas requested:-

  • Water on Tap
    A general guide for consumers that explains how drinking water is regulated by EPA and the states,
    protected from natural and manmade threats, and how it gets from source to tap.

  • Consumer Confidence Reports (Water Quality Reports)
    For most people, by July 1 each year, a snapshot of your drinking water quality is delivered by your water supplier.

  • Private Wells
    Not regulated by EPA, these household wells rely on their owners to keep them safe from contamination.
    Learn more about what you can do to protect your family’s health.

Drinking water is important to all of us. We cannot survive without it, and we expect it to be there when we need it. Daily, hundreds of people work to keep your drinking water safe and available to you. These public health providers work together to treat, monitor, and deliver tap water.

Learn more about what this involves and how you can help:

  • Source Water Protection
    One of the most important aspects of safe drinking water is the protection of both ground water and surface water sources. It is much easier to protect a source than to treat it after contamination occurs.

  • Water Treatment
    This step-by-step virtual tour of a water treatment plant explains how water is treated and delivered to your home or business.

  • Emergency Preparedness
    When an emergency situation occurs, we must be prepared. Information is available on emergency disinfection of drinking water and/or the proper treatment of a well or septic after a flood.

  • School and Child Care Facilities
    Drinking water quality at a school or child care facility is very important because it may be the primary source of your child’s daily intake of this vital fluid.

  • Home Water Testing PDF (2 pp, 596K, About PDF)
    Many people, especially those with a private well, may want to have their tap water tested. EPA recommends that a certified drinking water laboratory perform those tests.

  • Safe Drinking Water Act
    Passed in 1974, this law ensures the quality of Americans' drinking water. Under this authority, EPA sets standards for drinking water quality; and oversees the states, localities, and water suppliers who implement those standards. It also provides for the safe injection of fluids underground for storage or disposal.

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