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Academic Programs

Academic Support

  • Academic skills coaching: Assistance with time management, note-taking, test preparation, overcoming procrastination and reading comprehension. 
  • SUTutor: book a one-on-one tutoring session for the following programs:
    • Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Provides a wide range of writing and speaking help at any stage in the process, from brainstorming to crafting a strong central idea to editing for clarity and style. Includes the Honors Writing Program that offers support and classes in crafting and honors thesis or other advanced projects. 
    • Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL): Program dedicated to effective teaching, learning, and communication for faculty, lecturers, teaching assistants, and students. 
  • Technical Communications Program (TCP): Housed in the School of Engineering, the TCP offers tutoring and other support with both written and oral projects. 

Activity/Community Centers



Sexual Assault