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Banners, Fliers, Chalking & Posters Policy

Only registered student organizations and University departments or institutes/programs are eligible to display banners and posters in White Plaza, on Galvez and Serra near El Camino and on Kiosks around campus. All materials must clearly identify:

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Posting Restrictions in the Oval and Main Quad

Please Note:

No signs, placards, fliers and sandwich boards are permitted in and around the Stanford Oval, Memorial Court or the Main Quadrangle.


General Requirements

White Plaza

Banners may only be displayed at the Speaker's Rostrum ("The Birdcage"). Banners crossing the middle of the Birdcage must be hung at least 7 feet high. Contact Student Activities & Leadership (SAL) for further information regarding White Plaza.

Serra and Galvez Streets (Along El Camino Real)

For permission to post banners on the Serra/Galvez corners areas near El Camino Real, please contact: or 724-1387.


Blackboard chalking on the ground is permitted in White Plaza only. Spray chalking by any member of the Stanford community is strictly prohibited and will incur a cleaning fee of $500 or more.

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Fliers & Posters

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Placement, Posting, Prohibited Posting Areas, & Removal Information

Prohibited Posting

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