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Managing Innovation

from the Inside Out

Managing Innovation provides senior executives with a fresh perspective on how to drive innovation within their organizations. Through hands-on experiences and personalized interactions with industry leaders, you will learn a proven process for assessing new opportunities and achieving results in the demanding medtech sector.

3 days to…
  • Learn from the best

    Interact with leading Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and inventors who have launched and led their own successful innovation programs.

  • Get on your feet

    Experience a team-based, hands-on program specifically designed to train industry executives how to implement and manage a more disciplined approach to innovation.

  • Use the process

    Apply course-learned skills to your company’s real-world challenges via personalized mentoring sessions with program faculty.

  • Bring it home

    Take what you've learned about managing innovation and turn it into an actionable plan to support the discovery and development of your company’s next big product.

Game changers. Thought leaders. Pioneers. Apply Here.

Who Should Attend

  • Executives with 10+ years of management experience (strategic planning, R&D, product development, marketing, business development) who are responsible for leading innovation effort within their organization.
  • To capitalize on the team-based nature of the course, companies must register
    groups of 6-8 participants.
Questions? Contact us at biodesign-execed@stanford.edu