Fingate Buying and Paying > iProcurement - Zip Purchasing > Status & Updates

Status and Updates

How Do I Stay Informed about iProcurement?

You can sign up to receive email notices whenever there are important iProcurement announcements. The mailing list ( will be used to communicate:

  • Buying & Paying Forums
  • New system features for iProcurement and SmartMart
  • Planned system downtime or system issues
  • Supplier shows

To sign up for the purch-users mailing list, go to Mailman List Tools and type purch-users in the subscriber section.

Updates will also be posted here. Visit the iProcurement – ZIP Purchasing and iProcurement – SmartMart web sites regularly.

Description Release Date
New Data Privacy Fields Added to iProcurement Non-catalog Requisitions

Three new "yes/no" data input fields are being added to iProcurement non-catalog requisitions with Request Types "Standard Consultant" and "Standard Service." Read more...
November 14, 2014
New iProcurement Approval Workflow for Moveable Capital Equipment

Purchase requisitions classified as Standard Capital Equipment, Standard Lease or Standard Capital Project, AND including expenditure types that meet the definition of moveable capital equipment, will be routed to the Property Management Office (PMO) after department approval. Read more...
November 14, 2014


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