How To: Use the Oracle Vacation Query

Who does this?  Oracle Transaction Originators or others with a need to know

When?  There is a need to identify who can approve a transaction on someone else's behalf or there is a need to validate the audit history of a delegation.

How?  By using the Oracle Vacation Query tool



Access Your Delegated Oracle Transaction Approvals (3 steps)

step 1

Launch the Vacation Query Tool from the Oracle Home Page:

  1. Enter ofweb in your web address bar.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
  3. Click SU Inquiry Tools in the Navigator section of the Oracle Home page.
  4. Click Vacation Query link.
step 2

Retrieve Vacation Delegation history for an individual:

  1. Enter the SUNet ID of the person you are checking.

  2. Note:  An individual may have multiple SUNet IDs; an official ID and aliases. For many people, their SUNET ID is displayed in StanfordWho. The first SUNet ID listed in StanfordWho is their official SUNet ID.

  3. Click Enter button.

  4. Note:  The query will return the person's Vacation Delegation history and their Worklist Access history (with active delegations sorted to the top).
step 3

View a list of transactions handled on behalf of an individual.

  1. Click the link Show the transactions handled on behalf of (SUNet ID).

  2. Note:  A list of transactions (with most recent transactions sorted at the top) will be appended to the bottom of the delegation history page. Transaction information includes the transaction type (e.g. PCard, Expense Requests, etc.), Oracle transaction ID, approval action, SUNet ID of the person who took the action, and date action taken. Research actions in the applicable transaction system or discuss with the delegee.

  3. As needed, enter another query from the results page.
  4. When complete, click Home link in the upper right hand corner of the screen to return to the Oracle Home page.
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  • For additional help, submit a HelpSU ticket. Select Request Category Administrative Applications and Request Type Oracle Financials.
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