How To: Request Carry Forward / Rollover of Project Balances at Fiscal Year-End

Who does this?  Stanford Auxiliary and Service Centers

When?  Fund balances from the prior fiscal year-end are consolidated and rolled into General Ledger PFOO account 100000-(FUND)-30001-ZZZZ and Auxiliary / Service Centers request that the balances be moved back to the project for the new fiscal year. Requests to carry forward / rollover project balances from the prior fiscal year are due mid October.

How?  By identifying awards and their associated projects and submitting the Carry Forward / Project Rollover Balance Request form to the Information Systems and Reporting group



Request Carry Forward / Rollover of Project Balances at Fiscal Year-End (4 steps)

step 1

Determine the appropriate funds for the request:

  1. Run FIN_FUND_153_Fund_Statement.
  2. For each fund, identify positive balances in Project 1000000, Object Code 30001.

  3. Note:  All project balances related to Revenue and Expense Object Codes 40000-59999 will be placed in 100000-(FUND)-30001-ZZZZ during fiscal year-end close.
step 2

Save a copy of the Carry Forward / Project Rollover Balance Request form to your personal computer:

  1. Click Carry Forward/Project Rollover Balance Request to open the form.
  2. Save file to your computer
step 3

Complete the request form:

  1. Enter requestor information (name, department, phone / ext, and email).
  2. List Fund(s) to be carried forward.

  3. Note 1:  Information Systems & Reporting (ISR) will not accept requests to move specific project balances within an award or move partial balances.
    Note 2:  Reclassifications may be requested, but only after the initial Carry Forward / Rollover request has been completed.
step 4

Submit the request form:

  1. Copy your Financial Manager on the email request for signature authority.
  2. Email request with attached form to:

  3. Note 1:  Requests must be submitted by Wednesday, 5:00 PM, October 15th.
    Note 2:  For reporting purposes, ADJB is the only period that these adjustments may be made. This period remains open briefly into the new fiscal year. Requests made after the period has been closed will not be completed.
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What Happens Next?

  • Information Systems and Reporting (ISR) will create appropriate journals to restore balances as of the end of the prior fiscal year (the one that just closed):
    • Updated balances will be reflected within each Project for the Fund under object code: 30001.
    • The balances will be entered into the beginning adjustment period of the new year: ADJB-200X.
  • ISR will send a spreadsheet to the client with the new balances within one week of submission.


If you have questions, please submit a HelpSU ticket. Select Category Administrative Applications and Request Type Oracle Financials. Please include “Assign to ISR” in the request so that it will be assigned timely.

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