How To: Verify Employee Pay

Who does this?  Stanford Payroll Administrators

When?  Each pay period, after the payroll run is complete, to verify accuracy of employee pay

How?  By running the Gross Pay Report in Business Intelligence (BI)



Verify Employee Pay (5 steps)

step 1

Launch the BI web site:

  1. Click
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
Note:  Your authority to review data in BI matches the authority that you have been granted in PeopleSoft.
step 2

Select the Gross Pay Report:

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Shared Folders from the left menu.
  3. Click HR-Payroll-Benefits Systems.
  4. Click Job Information.
  5. Select Gross Pay from the center menu.
step 3

Run the Gross Pay Report:

  1. The report parameters default to processing by Dept Hierarchy.

  2. Note:  Select Name or Emplid to run the report for a specific employee.

  3. Enter prompt field for Pay End Date: Begin, Pay End Date: End and Department Hierarchy.
  4. Click Apply to run the report.
step 4

Review report results online:

  1. Click the tabs to review results for the following report options:
    • Summary by Employee – a pivot table of all employee earnings by earn code
    • Name Report – a summary of earnings by employee name, formatted for printing or export as PDF
    • Earn Code Report – a summary of pay by earn code, formatted for printing or export as PDF
    • Bonus Report – a summary of bonus payments, formatted for printing or export as PDF
    • Bonus Results – a summary of bonus payments in Excel format
    • Full Results – a summary of all payments in Excel format
    • Paper Pay Stub Option Report – a summary of employees who have elected a paper pay statement
    Note:  The Gross Pay Report contains confidential salary information, take appropriate precautions when printing or downloading this report to your desktop.

step 5

Download a report to Excel for review:

  1. Click download icon in menu bar just above the report.
  2. From the pull-down menu, select Excel (*.xlsx).
  3. Select the location where you would like to save the report.
  4. Click Save to download the report.
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What Happens Next?

Additional Notes

Additional reports are available in OBI to refine the results of your Gross Pay Report.


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