How To: View Current or Historic Pay Statements

Who does this?  Stanford Employees

When?  Employees want to view their current or historic pay statements.

How?  Pay statements can be viewed online at any time from the Stanford Axess web site.



View Current or Historic Pay Statements (2 steps)

step 1

Visit Stanford's Axess web site:

  1. Click
  2. Click Login.
  3. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
step 2

To view your current pay statement:

  1. Select Employee tab (this page defaults for most users when you first log in to Axess).
  2. Click My Pay Statements.
  3. A list of all of your pay statements will display.
  4. Click Check Date link of the pay statement that you wish to view (Pop-up Blockers must be disabled to view your online pay statement).
Note:  For help interpreting information on the pay statement, refer to Overview: Understanding Stanford Paychecks.
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Additional Notes

  • Online pay statements for paychecks issued after August 11, 2008 are presented in PDF format. Pay statements generated prior to this date will remain available in their original HTML format.
  • Lenders, brokers, and rental agencies requesting pay statements to verify employment for mortgage, re-finance, and rental applications should accept printed copies of your online pay statement.
    • If you encounter difficulties after presenting copies of your online pay statement, please submit a HelpSU ticket to Payroll (Request Category Financial Support and Request Type Payroll) to request printed copies.
  • Access to employee pay statements is secured by the Stanford Network Security staff in compliance with University Privacy and Security Guidelines.
    • You can personally safeguard your information by keeping your SUNet ID and password confidential. It is recommended that you change your SUNet ID password regularly by going to the StanfordYou web site.
    • It is strongly recommended that you set up two-step authentication for your SUNet ID to further secure your personal information. Two-step authentication builds on your SUNet ID login and password, adding the requirement that a unique authentication code be generated and entered. Visit Accounts to learn more or to set your two-step preferences.
    • Use caution when printing personal pay statements to public printers.


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