How To: Increase Petty Cash Fund

Who does this?  Department heads

When?  When a petty cash fund needs to be increased

How?  By contacting Financial Support Center (3-2772)


Increase Petty Cash Fund (1 step)

step 1

A department head can request an increase in the petty cash fund amount by emailing a request to Financial Support Center:

All requests to increase the size of a petty cash fund must be approved by the Treasurer. The request should include:

  • Petty cash fund number (82XXX)
  • Department name and location
  • Custodian name
  • Reason for requested increase in fund size
    • Types of transactions that the petty cash fund is being used for; and
    • Reason(s) why alternative purchasing methods (i.e. department PCard or Expense Requests reimbursements) are not feasible
  • Requested dollar amount of the increase
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What Happens Next?

  • Request will be reviewed by the Treasurer and approved or denied.
  • Requestor will be notified of the decision.
  • If approved, Procurement / Payment Services department will send a check to the petty cash custodian via ID Mail.
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