Media Fellowships

2011 Western Media Fellow Jeremy Miller, right, visiting the David Rumsey map archive in San Francisco.

Our Western Journalism and Media Fellowships provide opportunities for journalists working in all kinds of media — newspapers, magazines, radio, television, online, multimedia, video, film, data visualization, mapping, and books — to visit Stanford and interact with researchers, scholars, and students, while developing or working on a project of their own designs to spur new coverage and understanding of the American West.

The length of residence varies, typically from one to two weeks, although longer stays may be possible, particularly for projects that intersect with ongoing research at the Center and Stanford, that address significant challenges facing the American West, and that explore promising new possibilities for journalism and the media in the region. Travel and accommodation costs are covered, and a modest honorarium is offered.

Short letters of inquiry — one to two pages — are welcome. Please address inquiries electronically to:

Geoff McGhee (
Creative Director for Media and Communications

Current and Past Media Fellows


Elizabeth Zach, Rural Community Assistance Corporation and High Country News
Martín Quiroga, OpenFilter
Mary Ellen Hannibal
, science writer


Mitch Tobin, EcoWest
Lauren Sommer, KQED Science


Kate Galbraith, The Texas Tribune
Tony Gleaton, photographer
Lauren Sommer, KQED Quest
Mitch Tobin,


Jeremy Miller, Harper’s Magazine
John Fleck, Albuquerque Journal
Lisa Hamilton, Real Rural


Verlyn Klinkenborg, The New York Times
John Daley, KSL-TV


Timothy Egan, The New York Times
Peter Friederici, High Country News
Jesse Hardman, National Public Radio
Judy Pasternak,  The Los Angeles Times
Kurt Repanshek, National Parks Traveler


Cristopher Grosskurth, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Steven G. Johnson, Veriscope Productions
Guillermo Lopez Portillo, Televisa
Ruben Moreno, La Opinion


Matt Jenkins, High Country News
Gabriela Olivares Torres, Zeta Magazine
Kat Snow, KQED
Ray Ring, High Country News



Recent Work Produced with Center Media Fellows