Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

News and Press Releases

Massive Gas Leak: Assessments and Solutions »

December 10, 2015

Stanford experts comment on massive California gas leak. How bad is it, and what can be done to prevent similar leaks? 

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A Time for Sea Change »

December 10, 2015

In the lead-up to the Paris climate talks, Center for Ocean Solutions experts explain why reducing carbon dioxide emissions is vital to both human and ocean health.

By Kristen Weiss, Center for Ocean Solutions

Illustration of proposed brick kiln pollution sensors to be funded by new Stanford seed grant program

Harnessing Sensors for Environmental Solutions  »

December 8, 2015

Stanford seed funding announced to spur use of sensors and big data to solve environmental challenges 

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A carbon dioxide-emitting natural gas flare at a North Dakota oil well

Global Fossil-Fuel Emissions Could Decline in 2015 »

December 7, 2015

An international research team reports that the rapid increase in global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels has slowed in the past two years, underlining the need for action to...

By Mark Shwartz, Stanford News Service

Artificial pit to simulate permanent wetlands within a variable wetland site.

Mystery of Arsenic Release into Groundwater Solved »

December 4, 2015

Bacteria living in shallow sediment layers of permanently flooded wetlands in Asia drive arsenic release into water by feeding on freshly deposited plant material, a new study finds.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

A still from trailer for "Tomorrow" documentary

Tomorrow: Solution Stories »

December 1, 2015

New documentary inspired by paper co-authored by Woods senior fellow shows way forward on environmental challenges

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

COP21: Informing Climate Agreement »

November 23, 2015

Decades of Stanford Research Underpin Global Climate Talks in Paris

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute

solar panels and wind turbines

Underground Solution for Solar Energy Storage »

November 23, 2015

A common criticism of a total transition to wind, water and solar power is that the U.S. electrical grid can't affordably store enough standby electricity to keep the system stable...

By Dan Stober, Stanford News Service

California state capitol in Sacramento

Woods Fellows on Water Future »

November 23, 2015

Woods fellows testify on climate change effects and water innovation at a recent hearing of California’s Select Committee on Water Consumption and Alternative Sources.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Global Warming: Can World's Nations Agree on 2 Degrees? »

November 23, 2015

Stanford Woods Institute

Residents of a slum in Cap Haitien, Haiti bring home a container-based toilet

World Toilet Day: Not All Can Flush and Forget »

November 19, 2015

Chances are most people in the developed world can easily access a safe, convenient toilet. Globally, however, more than one in four people live in a world without access to a decent...

Measuring Crop Yields From Space »

November 10, 2015

Stanford-led team uses satellites to measure a special light emitted by plants to estimate crop yields with more accuracy than ever before. This advance will help scientists study how...

By Laura Seaman, Center on Food Security and the Environment

Offshore wind turbines

In the Line of Sight: Wind Energy Breakthrough »

November 4, 2015

Research highlights a breakthrough in the way wind power projects are sited, by modeling both viewshed data and wind power. The findings could save years of time and millions of dollars...

By Stacey Solie, Natural Capital Project

Stanford's new energy facility

Stanford Statement on Climate Change »

October 28, 2015

With an international conference on climate change approaching, Stanford issues a call for global leaders to look to universities for solutions – and highlights steps Stanford has taken...

Stanford News Service

Residents of a slum in Cap Haitien, Haiti bring home a container-based toilet

A Sanitation Solution Worth Paying For »

October 27, 2015

Stanford-led study shows three out of four residents of an impoverished Haitian neighborhood continued to use – and pay for – a new toilet service after a test period ended.

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

An elephant grazes

Loss of Large Land Mammals Could Change Landscapes Forever »

October 26, 2015

As large mammals disappear, the ecosystems they inhabit change permanently, according to a study co-authored by a Woods senior fellow

By Robert Sanders, University of California, Berkeley

Steve luby discusses water and child health

The Health Impact of Access to Chlorinated Water »

October 26, 2015

New U.N. Sustainable Development Goals include a new criterion, water quality. Stanford researchers launched a major study of the health impact of access to chlorinated water in...

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Earth from Space

Economic Cost of Climate Change Higher Than Expected »

October 22, 2015

Research finds that without climate change mitigation, even wealthy countries will see an economic downturn by 2100.

By Laura Seaman, Center on Food Security and the Environment

Meghan Shea with jellyfish

Stanford Students Spend Summer Seeking Environmental Solutions »

October 20, 2015

A unique grant program provides mentorship for students doing solutions-oriented environmental fieldwork around the world and vital research assistance for faculty.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Making a Living, Sustainably »

October 19, 2015

Stanford initiative reconciles perceived conflicts between human prosperity and protection of natural resources.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Past News & Press Releases By Year

2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  1998