Women & Sex Differences in Medicine (WSDM)
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Marcia Stefanick, PhD

Director, WSDM

Sonoo Thadaney

Managing Director, WSDM

Terri Oppelt ("TO") Preising

Program Associate, WSDM

Marcia Stefanick, Susan Love, and Lynn Westphal

Women's Health Forum 2013

Welcome to the Stanford WSDM Center (“wisdom”), the Stanford Center for Women and Sex Differences in Medicine

WSDM aims to expand our knowledge of women’s health and sex differences in biology and medicine, from conception through the lifespan, in every medical discipline, from basic science to clinical research and population health science.


Upcoming WSDM Events


SAVE the DATE: WSDM Basic & Translational Research Symposium on Sex Differences in Cardiology

February 24, 2016 WSDM and the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute will cohost the Annual B&T Research Symposium in Li Ka Shing Center's Berg Hall from 1:00-5:00pm. Details to follow.

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Recent WSDM Events


WSDM Seed Grant Workshop

October 23, 2015 WSDM hosted its third seed grant workshop in Alway M112. The event featured updates from past seed grant award winners and representatives from every department in the School of Medicine. The group identified questions regarding sex/gender and women's health that need more study and facilitated collaborations across disciplines. Slides from the workshop will be available soon!

WSDM plans to fund 4-5 seed grants of $20,000-$25,000 each on research questions related to sex/gender differences and women's health. Proposals are due December 4, 2015 by 9:00 AM. Click here for the Seed Grant Announcement/Request for Proposals.


SPECIAL LECTURE Professor Gabe Garcia, MD: "Creating a Welcoming and Respectful Clinical Environment for LGBT patients"

Many LGBT patients are underserved by our healthcare system, often due to unfriendly clinical environments. On August 21, 2015 Professor Garcia, a member of the San Mateo LGBT Commission, shared ideas that San Mateo and Santa Clara County have been discussing and developing to create gender-friendly clinical services that clearly welcome individuals of all sexual orientations.

Articles discussed by Professor Garcia covered issues such as medical students' preparedness and comfort level with providing LGBT care, LGBT-related curriculum in undergraduate medical education, LGBT health disparities, and discrimination faced by sexual and gender minority (SGM) practitioners.


6th Annual Women's Health Forum- Screening and Prevention

May 18, 2015, WSDM and the Stanford Cancer Institute co-sponsored the 6th Annual Women's Health Forum in Li Ka Shing Berg Hall. The forum theme was Screening and Prevention with sessions featuring Stanford experts on cancer screening and prevention, bone health, cardiovascular health, and women's wellness. Watch the video. For a detailed program, click here. The Stanford Medicine Scopeblog profiled the successful event, including the highlights of WSDM Center Director Marcia Stefanick's keynote presentation on physical activity and weight management as key preventive actions for women to take. Read the blog here.

WSDM and Women's Heart Heart at Stanford co-hosted the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) on April 21-23, 2015 at Berg Hall, Li Ka Shing Center. The meeting featured presentations and poster sessions from leading experts in the study of sex differences. Attendance was at full capacity for all three days of the event, with over 200 experts from all over the world. Click here for the detailed flyer.


WSDM and SCI Basic & Translational Research Symposium-Cancer

WSDM and the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) co-hosted the Basic & Translational Research Symposium on Sex Differences in Cancer on March 4, 2015 in Li Ka Shing Berg Hall.The event was well received and featured a keynote from Dr. Malcolm Pike of the Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as presentations from leading Stanford researchers. Read the detailed flyer and agenda. Watch the videos here!

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WSDM Leadership in the News

The August 22 issue of Lancet featured a profile of WSDM Director Maria Stefanick and her career promoting the study of sex differences. Read the article here.

In the April 28 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Dr. Stefanick, WSDM Advisory board member Londa Schiebinger, and other experts discuss the importance of sex inclusion in basic research and the implications of the NIH's May 2014 policy change to require a balance of male and female cells and animals in studies. Click here to read the article.

Associate Professor Michael Greicius, a WSDM Advisory Board member, was featured on National Public Radio's "Science Friday" discussing his research regarding women and Alzheimer's Disease. Listen to the audio here.

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