Women & Sex Differences in Medicine (WSDM)

Stanford WSDM Center Vision

Healthy women and men – from conception through the Life Course

Stanford WSDM Center Mission

Advancing human health across the lifespan through research and education in women’s health, biology of sex differences, and gender medicine.


  1. Improve our understanding of women’s health across the lifespan.
  2. Advance knowledge in biology of sex differences that influence health, and investigate the influence of gender on biology and role of gender medicine in health outcomes.
  3. Allow Stanford to become the national and international leader in women’s health and gender-based medical research.


  1. Mainstream women’s health, biology of sex differences that influence health, and gender medicine curriculum throughout the continuum of education at the University.
  2. Create a consultation program on sex and gender differences that supports Departments (and Divisions), Institutes, Centers and Programs across the University.
  3. Foster and develop curricula for community-based education programs in our primary mission areas.


  1. Support the goals of the Stanford Women’s Cancer Center, Women’s Heart Health Program, Center for Neuroscience in Women’s Health, Dept. of Ob/Gyn programs, e.g. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Sexual Function and Fertility Preservation for Cancer Survivors, and other gender-focused clinical programs.
  2. Provide resources for bridging (coordinating) clinical services across female life-stage transitions, from neonatal/pediatric to adult services (e.g. Turner’s patients), primary to geriatric/palliative care.
  3. Support “gender-friendly” clinical services for issues associated with women, but also occurring in men, e.g. bone health, breast cancer, and for transgender & gender-variant persons.


  1. Create a formal, centralized home for the Center, based in the School of Medicine, which extends across the University (i.e., including all Schools and the broader Stanford community).
  2. Ensure that the Center is adequately resourced.

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