SLAC Access Update

Effective October 2015, visit the SUSB VUE Center for badging and SLAC access. Before traveling to SLAC, please complete these procedures.

1. Register through the user portal to provide or update contact information.

2. Alert us of all experimenters who will participate in scheduled experiments by listing everyone on proposals & beam time/support requests. Contact URA to add additional members to your research team.

3. Alert colleagues about access changes. Foreign national users must bring original identification documents to verify citizenship and confirm that they have an appropriate visa before entering the US (for business purposes and not for tourism).

* There are additional requirements for foreign nationals from certain countries (advance receipt of passport and business visa documents and coordination with a SLAC host may be needed).
** Advance approval is required for foreign nationals from Iran, Sudan or Syria.

4. Complete all training before arrival and bring a hard copy of the training certificates.

5. Review updated SSRL and LCLS user arrival & check-in procedures.

6. Unless you were issued an ID after September 2015, stop first at the VUE Center to obtain an ID badge and/or proximity access.  Your ID badge must be visible at all times during your visit and is required for entry at SLAC's automated gates.

User proximity ID card access is generally valid for the current run year, which coincides with the Fiscal Year (e.g., valid through September 30, 2016).  User proximity ID cards or proximity access may deactivate earlier based on training or passport/visa expiration dates. Users on future scheduled experiments need to check-in annually.

The experimental areas at SSRL and LCLS are Controlled Areas which means that GERT training is required, but dosimeters are generally not required (except in limited situations). If you will be working with radioactive materials or have been informed by the Safety Officer that Radiation Worker training is needed, make arrangements to complete Rad Worker Training (both course and practical training) before arrival. Upon completion of RWT training, obtain a dosimeter from the VUE Center.

7. Contact the URA team to answer questions or provide assistance.

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VUE Center Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of operation for the VUE Center and its services?

All services are available Monday to Friday during the following times (closed on holidays):

Users will be able to check in from 7:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm. 
Badging will operate from 7:00am - 4:00pm.
International Services will be available from 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:30pm.
Housing will be available between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
Key Office will be available from 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

What happens to User Research Administration at the facility?

Each of the user facilities continues to have User Research Administration (URA) support at the facility: 

  • LCLS’s new User Research Administration Manager, Elizabeth Goodwin, who is supported by Silvana Villar and Natalya Brown
  • SSRL’s User Research Administration Manager, Cathy Knotts, who is supported by Lisa Dunn and Kimberly Mcelroy.
  • FACET and Test Beam Facilities are currently managed by Christine Clarke with support from Naomi Nagahashi.

What if I already checked in for the 2015-2016 user operations run, have a valid badge and all my required training is up to date? Do I still need to go to the VUE Center to be checked in, or can I go straight to the User Facility?

Most user ID badges/proximity access will expire at the end of the current fiscal year (9/30/15), so if you have an experiment planned for October 2015 to September 2016, you will need to bring valid government-issued ID and check in at the VUE Center to obtain proximity access. Afterwards, if you have a valid badge and your training is up to date, you’re good to go.  You can either enter SLAC in the “SLAC ID” lane at the Sand Hill Road Main Gate, or swipe your badge if you’re coming through the Alpine Gate, and proceed to your destination. If you don’t have an active badge, then you will not be able to access Alpine Gate. Please use the Main Gate.

For non-U.S. citizens, if your visa has expired or changed since your last visit, then you’ll need to check in with User Services at the VUE Center so they can check your passport and new visa documents and verify everything is in order so you can head to the facility.  Please make sure you bring original documents (for more information, see

Once your documents have been verified, and providing all is OK, you’ll be rebadged and on your way.  Important:  Failure to bring your valid passport and original and correct visa documents could result in delays.

How do I know if my training has expired and if I need to retake it before I come?

To avoid headaches, check if your training is up to date before you get here by logging into the User Portal and from the ‘Welcome Page’ click on ‘Review SLAC training and access requirements,’ then scroll down to check your training and proximity expiration dates.  If you need to take online training, we recommend you do it before you get here so you can maximize your time at the facility.

What if I arrive and I’ve forgotten to take my training and my badge has expired?

We recommend that you take your online training before you arrive as it will save you time. However, in the event that you can’t, then please enter SLAC through the Main Gate (as your badge won’t let you access Alpine Gate) and come to User Services in the VUE Center.   Online training can be taken in the training room and, once complete, you can receive your badge and be on your way. 

If you also need practical training to ensure appropriate access to certain areas, then User Services may be able to help arrange that for you. In that case, you’ll be able to get a new badge with temporary, restricted access, and then once you’ve taken your practical training, Security can activate the appropriate access and, if appropriate, issue a new badge that reflects the new training status.

What happens if I get to SLAC late at night or on the weekends?

If you have a valid badge and your training is up to date, then you should be able to swipe and go.

If this is your first time, or if your badge has expired, then Security will check to see if you’re on the SSRL and LCLS User Access List (  The list is linked to the registrations and proposals in the SSRL and LCLS User Portal (, so if you’ve registered and are on the list, and are associated with an accepted proposal/beam time, then you’ll be given a temporary badge to let you through.  If you’re

If you’re a FACET and Test Beam Facility user, non-U.S. citizens need to give advanced notice of their arrival to the FACET User Manager. Some international users are required to arrive during working hours, so if this requirement applies to you, the FACET User Manager can help make arrangements. Most registered international users and all registered US citizens will be able to pick up a temporary badge and dosimeter as long as their registration has been approved.

If you’ve been given a temporary badge, then you’ll need to come to the VUE Center on the next business day to complete your check-in and get your proper badge to avoid any access issues again.  

If you haven’t registered in the SSRL and LCLS User Portal and therefore aren’t on the User Access List, or have not registered with the FACET User Portal, or are an international User with the requirement to arrive during working hours, then at this time we won’t be able to grant you access. However, if you are registered at the Stanford Guest House, then you will be able to proceed to the hotel.  You will need to go to the VUE Center on the next business day and User Services will be able to take care of you.  The best way to avoid this situation is to register with your facility as soon as you know you’ll be conducting work at SLAC, so the User Facility can process your registration in time.


My badge expires soon; where should I go now?

To the VUE Center, room 1030, but only after you’ve taken your necessary training. Please bring your old badge with you.

I have a colleague arriving as a user for beam time at a User Facility (LCLS, SSRL, etc.). What do I do?

For SSRL and LCLS, ask your new colleague to register on the LCLS/SSRL user portal and contact the User Office to ensure your collaborator is listed on your beam time support request (this will alert Security and the VUE Center to anticipate and prepare for their arrival). For FACET and Test Beam Facilities, ask your colleague to follow the steps for becoming a new FACET User and contact Christine Clarke.

I’m giving a personal tour, what happens after Sept. 28?

Please follow the tour guidelines provided by SLAC Communications at; however, instead of going to Building 235 to obtain paperwork for the group, you will now go to Badging, room 1030 in SUSB.

I have a visitor coming to meet me for lunch, what changes after Sept. 28?

Nothing changes. First, you complete the Site Entry Form so Main Gate knows your visitor is coming. If they’re only here for access to general administrative areas, then Main Gate will direct them wherever you indicated on the Site Entry Form.

How can you provide feedback?

We’re excited about these changes and what they mean for our SLAC community, so please don’t hesitate to provide us with feedback and suggestions, which you can do in person at the VUE Center. or by via email at Please direct questions to Sacha HaniganSimon Ovrahim, or Cathy Knotts.

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