Safety & Security


At Caltrain safety is number one. Accidents on the tracks are always preventable by paying attention and observing a few rail safety tips. Pick your favorite tip and share it on social media with #CaltrainSafe.

If you encounter an emergency on Caltrain or see something suspicious, call the Transit Police at 1.877.SAF-RAIL (1.877.723.7245).

  • A typical Caltrain train can take almost a mile to stop, even when emergency brakes are applied.
  • It’s never safe to stop closer than 15 feet from the rails, and a train is at least three feet wider than tracks on both sides.
  • 95 percent of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat a train, or people trespassing on railroad tracks.
  • 908 Pedestrians were injured or killed while walking on or near railroad tracks in 2013, up 7.7 percent from 2012.
  • Only cross Caltrain tracks at designated crossings and when it is safe to do so. While it might not be the quickest route, it is the safest.
  • Even though they might look as if they’re moving rather slowly, Caltrain reaches a top speed of 79 miles per hour. At that speed, they cover the length of a football field in less than three seconds.
  • Never drive onto a railroad crossing until you are sure the traffic ahead has left enough space to drive across without boxing you in. Do not shift gears while driving across the tracks. If your vehicle stalls on the crossing get everyone out and get off the tracks. Call 911 or 1.877.SAF.RAIL (1.877.723.7245) to report the situation.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Safety & Security Report
Caltrain is focused on the three E's of rail safety: Education, Engineering and Enforcement. Each month it issues a report on activities within those areas.

Safety Related Information
"Don't Shortcut Life" Safety Campaign
Safety tips and information from the "Don’t Shortcut Life" campaign.

Safety Brochure:
Download the pamphlet we distribute at safety seminars. (PDF, 291KB)

Earthquake's Effect on Caltrain Service
The magnitude of an earthquake defines how Caltrain service may be impacted.


Other Safety Sites
Common Sense: Use it
Public safety campaign designed to remind each and every one of us to use this often overlooked and underrated human faculty, especially around railroad tracks.

Transit Watch
Nationwide public awareness outreach campaign that encourages the active participation of transit passengers and employees in maintaining a safe transit environment.

Operation Lifesaver
Non-profit, international continuing public education program first established in 1972 to end collisions, deaths and injuries at places where roadways cross train tracks, and on railroad rights-of-way.

Up to One Mile


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