San Martin Station

San Martinas of 12:06 PM
156Local313 min.
268Limited410 min.

This display provides the train number, train type and countdown prediction to departure and refreshes every 60 seconds automatically. In the event of a service delay, predictions may be suspended accompanied by rider notifications above. Note: Real-time FAQs and Mobile Device Station List

San Martin Station

Northbound Weekdays
6:16, 6:37, 7:14

Southbound Weekdays
5:19, 6:56, 7:38 

am - italics   |   pm - bold
yellow - limited-stop

View the complete:
Weekday Timetable   |   PDFs   |   System Map

Zone 6 - Milepost 71.2
13400 Monterey Hwy., San Martin 95046
Google Maps™ Trip Planner

Weekday Commute Service Only

Transit Connections:
VTA: 68, 121, 168

167 spaces (free)

Ticket Vending Machines
2 machines

Caltrain makes being sustainable easy.  Customers are encouraged to place paper, glass/cans, food and trash in the same waste container.  The contents make their way to Newby Island Resource Recovery Park where machinery and trained staff sort all contents for appropriate recycling or landfill.

11/4/15 - rjc