Alma Community Room

Alma Community Room 

Built in 2012, this room features natural light provided by windows overlooking a small park and urban area; the room has wall-to-wall carpeting with a spacious open air feeling. This room is ideal for meetings, classes and small mixers or networking events. The Alma Room measures 29 by 40 feet and accommodates 75 for dining and 125 guests for receptions and theatre-style seating.  For your catering needs, the Grocery Outlet is located adjacent to the Alma Room.  The Alma Community Room is located to the left of the Grocery Outlet on the second floor.

Please contact staff to discuss rental options and room availabiilty for the Alma Room. Once you submit your application we will contact you to confirm details. One week prior to your event, keys to the room can be picked up at the Lucie Stern, Cubberley or Mitchell Park Community Centers.




 $55/Hour  $110/Hour  $165/Hour

Availability of dates can be provided online, by phone or in person, but no date will be held until an application is submitted. Search facility availability. All facility rentals require proof of general liability insurance naming the City of Palo Alto as an additional insured for a minimum of one million dollar coverage.

For more information or to make a reservation, please call the Lucie Stern front desk at 650-463-4900.

Alma Community Room
3441 Alma Street
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Office Hours:

Phone: 650-463-4900
Fax: 650-321-5612

If you need assistance planning your event, ask for Mary.

Facility Use Application Form(PDF)
Facility Brochure (PDF)

Last Updated: Jul 28, 2015