Gas Leak Detection Survey

To ensure the safety of all who live and work in Palo Alto, two kinds of gas leak surveys are performed every year.  These surveys constitute the City of Palo Alto Utilities’ (CPAU) annual, routine safety checks as required by Department of Transportation Pipeline Safety Regulations.

Mobile survey: The first type of survey is a citywide mobile review of natural gas service points and mains.  The 2014 survey is being conducted by a City contractor, and is ongoing throughout the month of September.

The mobile search for leaks include tests of the atmosphere near gas mains; in gas, electric, telephone, sewer, and water system manholes; at cracks in the pavement and sidewalks; and at other locations offering an opportunity to find gas leaks. Remarkably, in the end, over 200 miles of gas main will be checked in this thorough review!

Walking Survey: The second type of survey involves a walking check of gas leak services and covers one-half of the City every year so that the entire City gas service system can be reviewed in a two year period.  The 2014 walking survey began in early April and is expected to be completed in August.   The foot canvassing this year will be carried out by gas leak experts under contract from Manesco Corporation who will be checking for leaks at customer service points. (Note: All surveyors carry identification cards.)

Gas Safety Awareness Survey: In addition to the mobile and walking gas leak surveys that we conduct every year, CPAU also surveys its customers for their awareness about gas safety.  This is typically conducted through automated telephone surveying.  You may receive one of these calls, the intent of which is to ensure that our customers are aware of what to do in case of emergency, and are knowledgeable about general gas safety.  These calls will start at the beginning of October.

If leaks are found, they are documented and repaired according to CPAU’s policies.

Click here for a map of the areas covered during the 2014 Walking Survey.
If you have any questions about this safety survey or our survey contractors in your neighborhood, please contact Gas Operations at 650-496-6940.


September 24, 2014

USA Today: Look out below: Danger lurks underground from aging gas pipes

USA TODAY released an investigative report about leaks from cast iron and bare steel gas pipelines. The article cites data from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) Distribution Annual Reports noting that there are “tens of thousands of miles of cast-iron and bare-steel gas mains beneath American cities and towns” and that many gas leaks go unrepaired.

Last Updated: May 11, 2015