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City of Palo Alto questions necessity of tree removals proposed by PG&E - Recommends residents not sign contracts
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is proposing to remove trees in Palo Alto as a safety measure around its gas transmission lines. The City of Palo Alto has questioned the need for the level of impact suggested by PG&E and is concerned that residents have reported being offered contracts for tree removal based on incomplete information. The City has not agreed or approved any proposals, action plans or efforts on this matter. The City encourages residents to not enter into any agreements or sign any "action plan" with PG&E at this time.

The City and PG&E are meeting on Monday afternoon to discuss their proposed action plans, including scheduling a public community meeting as soon as possible to keep our residents informed and engaged.

Neighbors Abroad Oaxaca Student Exchange Family Information Meeting on Nov 16
If traveling to a foreign country, learning to speak another language, and becoming a member of a new family sounds good to you be sure to come to the Family Information Meeting.

Public Safety Building Project - Community Meeting on Nov. 18
The City of Palo Alto invites you to a presentation of a site evaluation of California Avenue Parking Lots C-6 and C-7 for a new Public Safety Building along with a new public parking garage. The purpose of the meeting is to receive public input on the site evaluation to inform the City Council discussion planned for December.


Baylands Projects: Boardwalk Partially Open
These capital improvement program projects include repairs and improvements to the interpretive center and an evaluation of options for reopening the boardwalk.


Adobe Creek Undercrossing Closed for Winter
Due to recent rain, the Adobe Creek bike/pedestrian undercrossing has flooded and is now closed for the winter season.

Fire and Hazmat Crews Respond to Chemical Odor at Westin Hotel
On Thursday, Oct. 29 at 9:09 p.m., Palo Alto and Mountain View Fire Departments, along with Santa Clara County EMS, responded to the smell of a chemical odor at the Westin Hotel, 675 El Camino Real in Palo Alto.

Filled Sandbags To Be Available Throughout Rainy Season
The City expects to have a steady supply of filled sandbags available throughout the season, and is making them available based on demand. More than 2,000 filled sandbags have already been distributed, and the City has an additional 28,000 filled sandbags on order that will be available on an ongoing basis.

Building Carbon Zero California Draws Experts on Sustainable and Passive House Building Techniques
Building Carbon Zero California conference now featuring climate change expert, Dr. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, as keynote speaker!

City To Honor Veterans
On Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, the City will honor all Armed Forces veterans, active duty, national guard and reserve military service members at a special recognition event starting at 4 p.m. on King Plaza at City Hall.

Downtown Residential Preferential Parking annexation petition due by Nov. 6, 2015
If your neighborhood streets have been impacted by the new Downtown Residential Preferential Parking (RPP) district, you can complete a petition process to opt into the district.