News Details

429 University Avenue

Date Submitted: 6/19/2014 File Number: 14PLN-00222

Project Type: Architectural Review (AR)
Address: 425 and 429 University Avenue

Project Description:  Request by Kipling Post LP for a Major Architectural Review to allow for the demolition of two one-story commercial structures on two existing parcels (425 University and 429 University), and the construction of a new four-story, approximately 32,000 sq.ft., mixed-use building with ground floor retail, second floor office, three residential units on the third floor, and one residential unit and commercial uses,  on the fourth floor. Zoning District: CD-C(GF)(P).

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviewed the staff report, which included references to context based design criteria, ARB findings contained in the Palo Alto Municipal Code (PAMC) Section 18.76.020 (d), and the Downtown Urban Design Guide; heard from the applicant and reviewed the project plans; and received public testimony at three public hearings. The ARB had also conducted a Preliminary Review of concept plans in November 2013. Past ARB reports can be found at the link below.

ARB November 7, 2013 Preliminary Review report
ARB November 20, 2014 report
ARB  January 15, 2015 report
ARB February 19, 2015 report

At the February 19, 2015 ARB hearing, the ARB recommend approval of the project with conditions. The Director's Designee conditionally approved the project on February 25, 2015 as recommended by the ARB. The Director's approval included the adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program. 

Director's  Decision Letter
Project Plans received on January 26, 2015
Additional Project Renderings
Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Notice of Intent

Per PAMC Ch 18.77.070 any party, including the applicant, may file an appeal of the director's decision with the planning division within the prescribed period. An appeal was filed on March 11, 2015. The appeal was placed on the consent calendar of April 6, 2015. City Council voted to discuss the appeal and requested the applicant to redesign the project.

Appeal Letter
Applicant's Response to the Appeal
April 6, 2015 City Council Staff Report
May 4, 2015 City Council Staff Report

The project has been redesigned and returned to the Historic Resources Board on September 10, 2015 and the Architectural Review Board on September 17, 2015. 

HRB September 10, 2015 Report
ARB September 17, 2015 Report 

Project Plans dated August 27, 2015
Project Renderings dated August 27, 2015
Applicant's Project Description Letter Updated on October 15, 2015

Project Planner: Christy Fong 650-838-2996 or

Last Updated November 6, 2013