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Privacy Documents for the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Below, find privacy documents for the U.S. Coast Guard.

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DHS/USCG/PIA-001(b) - Homeport Internet Portal

Homeport Internet Portal November 16, 2012 (PDF, 5 pages, 127 KB).  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) United States Coast Guard (USCG) uses the Homeport Internet Portal to provide secure information dissemination, advanced collaboration for Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSC), electronic submission and approval for facility security plans, and complex electronic notification capabilities.  Homeport includes a subsystem called the Alert Warning System (AWS), which provides USCG Headquarters, Districts, Sectors, and other units an enterprise solution for sending alerts and warnings to maritime security (MARSEC) partners, stakeholders, and appropriate port constituents for MARSEC level changes and other MARSEC-related activities requiring port-wide notifications.  The USCG is issuing this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) update to include TSA operations center personnel as authorized users of Homeport’s AWS, which contains non-sensitive personally identifiable information (PII), and disseminates airport security information to authorized recipients.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-002(c) - United States Coast Guard "Biometrics at Sea"

“Biometrics at Sea” Update, July 12, 2011 (PDF, 6 Pages – 191.75 KB).  The USCG and the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) Program partnered to provide mobile biometrics collection and analysis capability at sea using the “Biometrics At Sea” system, along with other remote areas where DHS operates.  The USCG updated the 2008 PIA in order to incorporate the USCG maritime mobile biometrics system use of Universal Serial Bus cable and encrypted hard drive instead of the encrypted flash drive to facilitate the air gap transfer of biometric and biographic data from the system laptop to the onboard computer that is connected to the USCG Data Network Plus.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-004 - United States Coast Guard Law Enforcement Information Data Base (LEIDB)/Pathfinder

United States Coast Guard Law Enforcement Information Data Base (LEIDB)/Pathfinder, March 31, 2008, (PDF, 17 Pages - 722 KB ) The USCG created LEIDB/Pathfinder to archive text messages prepared by individuals engaged in Coast Guard law enforcement, counter terrorism, maritime security, maritime safety and other Coast Guard missions enabling intelligence analysis of field reporting. USCG conducted this PIA because the LEIDB/Pathfinder system collects and uses PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-005 - United States Coast Guard Maritime Awareness Global Network (MAGNET)

United States Coast Guard Maritime Awareness Global Network (MAGNET), April 11, 2008, (PDF, 19 Pages - 239 KB ). The Coast Guard developed the MAGNET system to use information relating to vessels and activities within the maritime environment to accomplish the Coast Guard's missions in the areas of Maritime Safety, Maritime Security, Maritime Mobility, National Defense, and Protection of Natural Resources. MAGNET is a new system that will replace the existing integrated intelligence sharing system known as the Joint Maritime Information Element (JMIE) Support System (JSS). This PIA was completed because MAGNET will process PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-006(b) - Vessel Requirements for Notices of Arrival and Departure (NOAD) and Automatic Identification System (AIS)

Vessel Requirements for the Notice of Arrival and Departure (NOAD) and Automatic Identification System (AIS) Rulemaking, April 28, 2015 (PDF, 6 pages).  The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is updating this PIA following a recently published final rule after considering comments received on the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) published December 16, 2008. The USCG prepared this PIA update because the Notice of Arrival (NOA) portion of this final rule requires an expansion of an existing collection of personally identifiable information (PII).

Previous PIAs:

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-007 - National Pollution Funds Center – Pollution Response funding, Liability, and Compensation System (NPFC PRFLACS)

National Pollution Funds Center – Pollution Response funding, Liability, and Compensation System (NPFC PRFLACS), June 17, 2009 (PDF, 20 pages - 194 KB). The NPFC PRFLACS system supports the command’s mission to administer the financial responsibility provisions in Title I of the Oil Pollution Act. The purpose of this PIA is to ensure that adequate privacy considerations and protections continue to be applied to the PII maintained in the NPFC PRFLACS system.

DHS/USCG/PIA-008 - Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE)

Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) September 8, 2009 (PDF 18 pages - 243 KB). The MISLE systemis a steady-state system designed to capture information required to support the Coast Guard's marine safety, security, environmental protection and law enforcement programs. Supporting these programs requires the collection of PII on individuals associated with vessels as well as investigatory information. The Coast Guard conducted this PIA because MISLE collects and uses PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-009 - Core Accounting Suite

Core Accounting Suite, September 18, 2009 (PDF, 23 – 318 KB).  The Coast Guard Finance Center (FINCEN) maintains the Core Accounting Suite, an integrated financial and asset management system designed for use by three DHS components: the USCG, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO). The purpose of this PIA is to document how the USCG FINCEN collects and maintains PII within the Core Accounting Suite.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-010 - Case Matter Management Tracking System

Case Matter Management Tracking System, September 25, 2009 (PDF, 14 pages – 172 KB). The Coast Guard developed the Case Matter Management Tracking System (CMMT) to enable attorneys, support personnel and their supervisors to effectively manage their workload. CMMT includes features to track deadlines, record all parties concerned with a matter, log important events, and record work hours. USCG conducted this PIA because CMMT maintains and uses PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-011 - Boating Accident Report Database (BARD)

Boating Accident Report Database (BARD), November 12, 2009 (PDF, 18 pages – 263 KB). The BARD database serves as a receptacle for boating accident report data submitted by each of the 56 state and territorial reporting authorities as required by 46 USC § 6102. A PIA is required because the database contains PII.

DHS/USCG/PIA-012 - Recruit Analysis and Tracking System

Recruit Analysis and Tracking System November 30, 2009 (PDF, 15 pages – 213 KB). The Coast Guard's Recruiting Command operates this system to support its recruiting mission. The system gathers and distributes recruiting leads, tracks recruit progression, prepares accession forms, processes reservations for enlisted and officer candidates, manages the mission plan, provides point-in-time projections, and reports on quality, quantity, and diversity statistics for the recruiting effort. This PIA is required because the system will collect and retain PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-013 - Academy Information System (AIS)

Academy Information System (AIS) January 26, 2010 (PDF, 18 pages – 287 KB).  The Coast Guard Academy (CGA or Academy) developed the Academy information system (ACADIS) transactional database system. ACADIS provides an information resource for the management of the CGA educational environment, including the training and development of all future Coast Guard officers. USCG conducted this PIA because ACADIS collects and maintains PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-014 - Security and Safety Computer Network

Security and Safety Computer Network June 16, 2010 (PDF, 20 pages - 298 KB).  The Coast Guard operates the Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) Support Command Security and Safety Computer Network (CSS LAN). The CSS LAN is a stand-alone system that encompasses multiple applications that support: physical access control to the CGHQ facility, identity verification, security camera monitoring, and key security and tracking for master keys that are used throughout CGHQ. USCG conducted this PIA because the applications that comprise the CSS LAN collect PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-015 - Merchant Mariner Licensing and Documentation System (MMLDS)

Merchant Mariner Licensing and Documentation System (MMLDS) March 1, 2011 (PDF, Pages 17, 230KB). The Coast Guard owns and operates this system to: (1) manage the issuance of credentials to Merchant Mariners and process merchant mariner applications; (2) produce merchant mariner credentials; (3) track merchant mariner credentials issued by the Coast Guard; (4) track the status of merchant mariners with respect to service, training, credentials, and qualifications, related to the operation of commercial vessels; (5) qualify merchant mariners for benefits and services administered by other agencies; and (6) perform merchant mariner call-ups related to national security. The records include the credential, background check, and medical status on each U.S. Mariner and World War II Merchant Mariner Veteran. USCG conducted this PIA because MMLD collects and uses PII.

Associated SORN:

DHS/USCG/PIA-016 - College Board Recruitment Plus (CBRP)

College Board Recruitment Plus (CBRP) April 1, 2011 (20 pages – 248 KB).  The Coast Guard Academy (USCGA or Academy) uses College Board’s Recruitment PLUS™ (Recruitment PLUS) software application for college admissions and enrollment activities. The Recruitment PLUS system: collects and stores prospective applicants’ biographic and educational data, collects USCGA admissions staff’s and volunteers’ biographical data, facilitates and tracks the application process, and aligns admissions staff and volunteers to prospective applicants.  The purpose of this PIA is to document how Recruitment Plus collects and uses PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-017 - United States Coast Guard Composite Health Care System (CHCS)

United States Coast Guard Composite Health Care System (CHCS), July 25, 2011, (PDF, 23 Pages - 2.11 MB).  The Coast Guard owns and operates the Composite Health Care System (CHCS), which is a fully integrated health care information system that connects USCG medical clinics to the computerized patient records of USCG members, other military personnel, and eligible family members. USCG conducted this PIA because CHCS collects and maintains Protected Health Information (PHI) and PII.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-018 – Coast Guard Business Intelligence (CGBI)

Coast Guard Business Intelligence (CGBI), April 17, 2012, (PDF, 16 Pages – 180.27 KB ).  CGBI is a Business Intelligence (BI) and mission support tool which provides USCG users with a web-based reporting and analysis capability. This system was created to provide an integrated reporting and analysis environment for organizational Knowledge and Performance Management by providing “one version of the truth.” This PIA was required as the system contains PII obtained from authoritative, transactional source systems; this data may be transferred or viewed by other personnel or systems upon data sponsor approval, with limited PII data available within the CGBI interface to authorized users.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/USCG/PIA-019 – Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Reader Requirements for U.S. Coast Guard

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Reader Requirements for U.S. Coast Guard, March 25, 2013 (PDF, 21 pages, 211 KB).  USCG intends to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would require owners or operators of vessels and facilities that meet certain risk factors to use, as an access control measure, electronic readers that work in combination with the TWIC.  The proposed rule would require owners or operators whose vessels or facilities meet a certain risk threshold to capture the following information when an individual’s TWIC is scanned using a TWIC reader:  (1) the TWIC-holder’s Federal Agency Smart Credential-Number (FASC-N); (2) the date of scan; (3) the time of scan; and (4) only if captured, the name of the individual TWIC-holder. This PIA is necessary because the proposed Coast Guard rule would require third parties (i.e., owners or operators of certain regulated vessels and facilities) to collect limited PII from TWIC readers.

Associated SORN:

DHS/USCG/PIA-020 – Interagency Operations Center (IOC) Watchkeeper

Interagency Operations Center (IOC) WatchKeeper, January 4, 2013, (PDF 22 pages, 204 KB).  WatchKeeper provides a fully functioning and shared operational picture, shared mission tasking, and shared response information to all users within the IOC, partner federal agencies, and local port partners.  This PIA was conducted to notify the public about the PII used by and stored in WatchKeeper.  WatchKeeper is a read-only system that does not collect data directly but reutilizes previously collected data from other systems and authoritative data sources.

Associated SORNs:

DHS/USCG/PIA-021 Rescue 21

Rescue 21, July 29, 2015 (PDF, 12 pages). Rescue 21 is the United States Coast Guard’s (Coast Guard) advanced command, control, and direction-finding communications system. Rescue 21 replaces the National Distress and Response System and was created to accurately locate mariners in distress and save lives and property at sea and on navigable rivers. Rescue 21 also has a sub-system titled, Digital Selective Calling (DSC), which uses a Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number to associate the boat owner and his or her location and contact information for automated distress calls. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is being conducted because Rescue 21 collects and uses personally identifiable information (PII).

Associated SORNs:

DHS/USCG/PIA-022 Coast Guard Maritime Information eXchange

Coast Guard Maritime Information eXchange, July 30, 2015 (PDF, 24 pages).The United States Coast Guard (USCG or Coast Guard) owns and operates the Coast Guard Maritime Information eXchange (CGMIX) system. CGMIX provides USCG maritime-related information to the public and facilitates information sharing to federal, state, and local governments. This PIA is being conducted because CGMIX maintains personally identifiable information (PII).

Associated SORN:

DHS/USCG/PIA-023 Incident Reporting Information System (IRIS)

Last Published Date: September 18, 2015

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