Accessibility Standard Statement

The U.S. Department of Energy is committed to making its information and communications technology (ICT) accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d).

Send feedback or concerns related to the accessibility of this website to DOE Section 508 Coordinator mailbox.

Section 508 Complaints

If you believe the ICT used by the Department of Energy does not comply with the Section 508 law, you may file a complaint.  Please start by sending your compliant to the DOE Section 508 Coordinator DOESection508Coordinator@Hq.Doe.Gov mailbox.  If your complaint is not resolved at this level you may file a complaint by downloading and filing out the DOE EEO Intake Form 2019.   

Instructions for Submitting the DOE EEO Intake Form

This form (and any attachments) may be submitted in person (Forrestal Room 5B-168), or by FAX to (202) 586-3075. For other methods to submit this form, or for further information, please call (202) 586-2218.

For more information about Section 508, please visit the DOE Section 508 page.


Last Updated: 3/13/2019