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Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: International Emissions and Projections

Although the majority of greenhouse gas emissions are carbon dioxide, non-CO2 greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated greenhouse gases contribute significantly to climate change. These greenhouse gases have more significant climate change effects than carbon dioxide on a per-ton basis, and many have greater short term impacts than CO2. EPA uses future emissions projections of non-CO2 greenhouse gases as a basis for understanding how future policy and short-term, cost-effective mitigation options can affect these emissions.

EPA has published a series of reports, described below, that project non-CO2 emissions globally. For more information on mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gases, visit the International Non-CO2 Mitigation page. Questions or comments on these reports can be directed to Jameel Alsalam (alsalam.jameel@epa.gov) or Shaun Ragnauth (ragnauth.shaun@epa.gov).

Global Non-CO2 GHG Emissions: 1990-2030 (December 2012)

EPA has released global non-CO2 emissions projections. These projections revise the draft results released in August 2011. The report provides estimated projections to 2030 for emissions from more than twenty emissions sources. The gases included in this report are methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated greenhouse gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride).

Global non-CO2 emissions are projected to increase significantly between 2005 and 2030 unless further actions are taken to reduce emissions. Between 1990 and 2005, methane recovery and other mitigation efforts have decreased the rate of growth, but total emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases have nonetheless increased. Economic and production growth will continue to drive emissions increases in the future unless additional mitigation actions are adopted. The report, appendices, summary report, and spreadsheet data can be downloaded using the links below:

Summary Report: Global Anthropogenic Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 1990-2030 (PDF, 24pp,398KB)

Full Report and Appendices:
Global Anthropogenic Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 1990-2030 (PDF, 190pp, 1.8MB)
Appendices to the Report (PDF, 123pp, 3.9MB)

Data Annexes (WinZip format containing Excel Spreadsheet files, 2.9MB)

Past Reports:

Draft Global Non-CO2 Emissions Projections Report: 1990-2020 (August 2011)

EPA has released a new draft update in 2011 to its global non-CO2 emissions projections, last published in 2006. The draft report provides estimated projections to 2030 for emissions from more than twenty emissions sources. The gases included in this report are methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated greenhouse gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride).

Global Anthropogenic Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: 1990-2020 (EPA Report 430-R-06-003) (June 2006)

This report (PDF, 274 pp, 4MB) provides historical and projected estimates of emissions from more than 90 countries and eight regions for all major non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission sources. The gases included in this report are methane, nitrous oxide, and the high global warming potential (high GWP) gases. The high GWP gases include hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. Historical estimates are reported for 1990, 1995, and 2000 and projections of emissions, including the achieved effects of sector-level climate policy measures at the time of this report, are provided for 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. Historical and future trends are shown by region and by gas.

The data by country, region, and gas can also be found in the Appendix Spreadsheets (WinZip format containing Excel Spreadsheet files, 361K).

Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Developed Countries: 1990-2010 (EPA Report 430-R-01-007)  (December 2001)

This report presents emissions and baseline projections of the non-CO2 gases from major anthropogenic sources for all developed countries. This report provides a consistent and comprehensive estimate of non-CO2 greenhouse gases that can be used to understand national contributions to climate change, mitigation opportunities and costs, and progress under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The gases included in this report are the direct greenhouse gases reported by parties to the UNFCCC: methane, nitrous oxide, and the high GWP gases. Historical estimates are reported for 1990 and 1995, and projections of emissions in the absence of climate measures ("Business as Usual") are provided for 2000, 2005, and 2010. Historical and future trends are shown by region and by gas.

Complete Version of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Developed Countries: 1990-2010 (PDF, 132 pp, 1.6MB)

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